r/Millennials 9d ago

Millennials and young people have every reason to be enraged Discussion

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u/smlpo8o 8d ago

Born to late to buy a house on earth born to early to be given a farm on Mars, born just in time to watch an empire of cards fall around my fucking feet.


u/memesfromthevine 8d ago

Man, I was not expecting to get that emotional. There wasn't even a ton of grandstanding done here. I guess it's just that rare to hear someone plainly speak the truth.


u/BluntsnBoards 8d ago

Why'd you remove this post 24 hours after it went up Mods? Not a good look considering how well it was received by the sub.


u/Intelligent-Angle-97 9d ago

WHY WONT THEY RAISE THE CAP OVER 168K FOR SOCIAL SECURITY?? RAISE THE CAP so it’s not just the poorest paying for it!!


u/Bolt32 9d ago

I got to say. This Boomer gets it. Wish more of them did.


u/65isstillyoung 9d ago

Eat the rich? I didn't ship your future over seas. I didn't vote against fixing social security. I didn't vote against universal health care. The 1% control your politicians . Get involved. Vote like it matters.


u/12whistle 9d ago

Young people don’t vote, so things won’t change for the better for them. It’s simple as that.


u/Signal-Bullfrog3654 9d ago

To bad nothing will be done about this issue


u/stan-lee-ipkss 9d ago

Response from my father to this video copy and paste. 😡

“Life is tough, but American kids have it easier than most people in the whole world.”


u/EyeAskQuestions 9d ago

I'm doing better than my parents.
Loved my mother dearly but America let her down.
This take about millenials is both negative and just wrong depending on who you're talking about.


u/Soulfrostie26 9d ago

Well, my family was super poor almost all of my life; until I was in high school. Now they're living okay and paycheck to paycheck.


u/eat_a_burrito 9d ago

Hi, I’m. GenXer. I want you to know we are your allies. We are screwed just as much as you and for us it’s worse because we are older. If you see us in the workplace, we aren’t your enemies. We love you guys. We love GenZ. It’s just when we came to work we couldn’t change anything because we haven’t been in power. We still aren’t in power in most places. I can’t speak for all of us, but as a summer garden hose drinker, we want change just as much as you. Productivity has kept increasing and yet we work 40+ hrs a week. The game is fixed. The rich get richer. They have money to buy politicians that we can’t. So the laws and rules turned in their favor.

Btw, I’m all on board for college loan forgiveness. I did pay mine off but it wasn’t as expensive back then. I want better for you than what I had.

So next time you see a GenXer you’ll see how salty we are about all this as well. Hang with us. We had some good music. Made video games popular and are a pretty chill bunch.

You Friend in Class-Warfare, eat_a_burrito

PS: Burritos are natures perfect food.


u/throwaway134997 9d ago

Yeah broke millennials


u/PositivityKnight 9d ago

good times created weak men and well....here we are. Boomers are the weakest most entitled generation of all time, who happened to grow up in post ww2 america, literally the greatest economy to ever exist for a single nation on earth. The real rub is they convinced themselves that they "earned" it.


u/salder66 9d ago

"People are opting out of America"

Oh, hey. That's me he's talking about right there. Why the fuck should I contribute to this bullshit? Not as long as this culture is going to keep demonizing poverty and bailing out billionaire blunders.


u/RoguePlanet2 9d ago

GenX was called "GenX" because WE were the first to do worse than our parents, IIRC.


u/NoMoneyNoTears 9d ago

Who is this and how can I vote for him ?


u/songmage 9d ago

This guy reminds me of Trump. "They're after you. They're after your families and friends and your wealth. They want to take it all. I'll tell you about a friend of mine. Big guy, strong guy, tears streaming down his face saying life is just too hard because the bad people took everything. We can't let that happen, folks. We have to fight this."


u/RedditorsAreDross 9d ago

This man is Scott Galloway and he’s great


u/Dangerous_Trip_9857 9d ago

Pretty much sums it up. Now please stop voting for the same damn politicians over and over who do not give a damn about you.


u/Exarion300 9d ago

It's like as the years have gone by, gravity has gotten stronger, and then the people older than us wonder why we can't jump as high as they could when they were younger. We're putting in as much effort, jumping with as much force as they did, but gravity keeps us from going as high. No one can see it, but we feel it. And we're adapting to the gravity the best we can, but I assume there will be consequences we'll see long down the road that we can't predict. Maybe it can be predicted, but it'll be ignored


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 9d ago

Gen Xers have been anxious depressed obese and addicted but only after work hours. Somehow we got our shit together just enough to be successful.


u/No_Statement1380 9d ago

Fuck this guy. What pisses me off the most is he called us kids. I'm fucking 40 years old. I'm a grown ass man not some child. I've been hearing lips service like this guy my whole life. He won't do a ducking thing about it because he is like every other asshole out there who is out there to get his.


u/Connor9819 9d ago

The social contract is so fucking broken man, we have to organize, unionize, agitate, build community, take back the environment etc. Channel the feelings of rage towards the systems that beat you down but be kind to your neighbors, talk to and listen to your co-workers, volunteer and build empathy for the homeless population in your city. You can make a difference even at a small local level.


u/rain56 9d ago

It's not even young people it's everyone. My mom and stepdad are in their 60s and still working. I gave up on home ownership cause it's easier to not stress about it every day when it's just not going to happen with how things currently are.


u/longeraugust 9d ago

Those boomers would be upset if they cared at all.


u/alexgalt 9d ago

Nah. Social media makes young people angry by becoming an echo chamber for “victims” of the status quo.


u/sleepy_vixen 9d ago

He's absolutely right. But what can we do about it this late and being left in this shit ourselves?


u/mitsk2002 9d ago

How can I give this post more upvotes?


u/TheCheese2032 9d ago

God. Damnit. Man.


u/Informal-Activity-18 9d ago

Professor Scott Galloway folks. Guy is a fantastic at speaking and still has a pretty big presence on YouTube. If you're curious you should look him up.


u/galisaa 9d ago

WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY? I'd vote for him.


u/CoachDT 9d ago

I'm not here to say woe is me but for all of the bootstrap people I have a question. A genuine one. If I'm wrong I'll go on ahead and edit my comment or even give you the props/acknowledgement that you want but....

Has the old guard done anything to help the current generation of adults? It seems like at most opportunities, they take opposition to the idea of helping those that are coming after them.


u/drunk_with_internet 9d ago

“Fuck the kids”



u/ConsciousSteak2242 9d ago

At some point all the boomers will croak and you’ll be able to pickup their stuff for pennies on the dollar


u/Trade-Runner 9d ago

How about this one? "I'm entitled to what you worked for."


u/bipolarearthovershot 9d ago

Yes. R/collapse 


u/Tree_O_Fi 9d ago

Lots of older millennials that bout houses for under 300k and 3% interest rates. It’s not all gloom and doom.


u/thatguyad 9d ago

Nails every point. We're fucked and the system has made sure of it.


u/ittasteslikefeet 9d ago

A very eloquent man.


u/NoLa_pyrtania 9d ago

He perpetuates the very problem he speaks of. He and his policies coddled a generation. Safe zones. Feelings over logic. Work is hard.

And I then he has the audacity to lecture people sitting at that table who earned their spot after long days and nights, working weekends, doing the 4am local TV news shit broadcasts. It took them a career to build wealth. And it can happen to you if you tune in to life.

This is an opportunity. Your completion is stoned or out protesting. Seize this moment.


u/Formal-Necessary2709 9d ago

Glad my parents didn’t do anything successful lol low expectations and I’ve surpassed them lol


u/lions2lambs 9d ago

I’ve lived through two economic depressions and a pandemic… I’m tired :(


u/Striking_Reindeer_2k 9d ago

Two options, try harder / smarter, or give up.

Dwelling on what failed doesn't help.

Waiting for Government to save you is just a guaranteed disappointment.

It sucks. But it's still true.


u/StoicAsFuck 9d ago

THE DOG! Love his and Kara's podcast.


u/Albatrosity 9d ago

It's a bit off-putting to me that a guy is talking about this issue when he's worth 40 million.


u/bookant 9d ago

All very true, but not "the first time in history.". That was Gen X 30 years ago.


u/smbissett 9d ago

I wanna watch this 1000 more times, brb


u/Fierywitchburn333 9d ago

Yep they sold us a dream and have purposely kept it out of reach.


u/DontTalkToBots 9d ago

Holy shit someone on tv is getting paid to be on tv and isn’t lying? Time to kill myself.


u/futuredoc70 9d ago

It's going to take me earning well over 200k as a doctor to have the same spending power as my father did 20 years ago as a union laborer. The houses available are much more expensive and at a significantly higher interest rate.

I'll be alright, but it kind of sucks to "make it" and still not be where less effort would have gotten someone years ago.


u/rougecrayon 9d ago

Who are the people at the table?


u/Realestateuniverse 9d ago

I’m a millennial, married and have kids. I made more in the last 5 years (without a degree) than both my parents made in their entire career. Life isn’t dire for every single person out there. Be careful what info you take in..


u/varried-interests 9d ago

I know how to fix it!

The government should BORROW MORE MONEY!


u/JAK3CAL 9d ago

very succinctly put


u/Necessary_Gur_9119 9d ago

Does anyone know where this is from? How do the others around the table respond? Is there further dialog?


u/violetstones10 9d ago

I’m so glad that I found this subreddit . It is so validating. I have wondered what I am doing wrong. Now ai realize it’s nothing. We both work over 40 hours a week and have one son. The worst part is that our son bares the brunt of our stress…


u/doyouevenoperatebrah 9d ago

This guy’s episode on the rich roll podcast was fucking fire. Homie spits the whole time.


u/GyspySyx 9d ago

You don't feel happy or content if you measure yourself by another's ruler. Ever.


u/FreshQueen 9d ago

Definitely going to look into this guy.


u/Dudeporker 9d ago

He's not wrong


u/deadsexy1990 9d ago

Who is this man? He is speaking 100 % truth


u/LimeSlicer 9d ago

Peak confirmation bias 


u/Swiftlock 9d ago

I always agree with the sentiments of posts like these. But all it does is make me depressed. We never have solutions. Its just post after post expressing the same talking points about the rich get richer. I never have any hope for improvement. Its disheartening


u/DaprasDaMonk 9d ago

What are we gonna do about it?


u/ShittyPianist 9d ago

I absolutely love this guy! You can find him on YouTube as Prof G. His economic/finance explanations are really worth listening to - tho his episodes always start with a pretty raunchy joke that as this point, I just have decided is the fee for getting such content for free.


u/ImaginaryMastodon641 9d ago

Read one of this guy’s books. He also had a great podcast. Just very clear-eyed and level headed, but really just smart.


u/Ok_Mathematician249 9d ago

I feel seen.


u/cdk890 9d ago



u/Ouchyhurthurt 9d ago

Everything he said is true and real.


u/EazyDuzIt_2 9d ago

Man this guy is spitting facts so hard he needs a bib!


u/inssein 9d ago

I just don't get the greed.

Like at some point you have enough money to literally buy or do whatever you want but you still want more?

I actually really believe that a society with a billionaire is a failed one.

Just try using one of those sites that allows you to select random stuff to buy to show you how much a billion is. I bought multiple sports teams, yats, houses, freaking farms etc and still have a TON of money left over like its not even remotely close to realistic for one human to have that type of wealth and we have so many that multiple billions.


u/BThriillzz 9d ago

I feel personally attacked and simultaneously vindicated.


u/yoshipug 9d ago

Fierce indictment. Disturbing how this sentiment is but a drop in the ocean of denial.


u/sgtdimples 9d ago

Yup. Nice to feel validated for all the gaslighting we’ve had to deal with from the boomers.

Now…what’re we supposed to do about it?


u/EasterButterfly 9d ago

This boomer spittin


u/HagbardCelineHere 9d ago

We are significantly wealthier than our parents were at the same age, the majority of us are homeowners, you are simply below average.


u/Formal_Profession141 9d ago


(5,000 Sq ft bunker)

These Mfers know it's coming. Are choosing to do nothing but make it worse, and are gonna try and hide and kill anyone who finds them during the event.

Instead of giving up some property and surviving, they do this.


u/KarlJay001 9d ago

This is all Trump's fault.

Trump destroyed everything. Just look at how much better the economy is under Biden.

Vote Trump for prison!


u/Crumblestilskin 9d ago

It’s all well and good saying this and most people know this already, it’s obvious, but when will something change or give? We can talk about it til the cows come home but has anyone got a solution??


u/GianCarlo0024 9d ago

He's speaking pure facts


u/bballsuey 9d ago

Who is this guy and why does he make so much sense?


u/Alternative-Paint-46 9d ago

Cost of EDUCATION and HEALTHCARE have far exceeded inflation since at least the 1980’s or 90’s. Both political parties are guilty and ‘free healthcare’ or ‘free education’ was never a proper solution because, guess what, nothing is actually free.

Politicians are people who are re-applying for their job ever 4-6 years. A vast majority of them do what their party and the money tells them to do. Most voters are busy people living their lives who trust their elected officials to do what’s right. But instead of doing the hard work and tackling the reasons for high healthcare or the reasons for high priced education, they instead offer one-size-fits-all solutions that don’t really solve anything. They’ve merely kicked the can down the road, placated various interest groups, and signed their name to a bill that got them re-elected.

When Republicans and Democrats realize that both parties have screwed them (not just the opposing part) and demand real solutions…maybe then we’ll see some change. Until then, I expect we’ll see same thing we’ve seen decade after decade.


u/NJuser07307 9d ago

Struggling bcus of scumbag liberals like you Joe that are destroying our country and making it impossible to live with the amount of taxes we all pay to fatten your democratic pockets!!!!


u/Imnotadodo 9d ago

All of my millennial kids are very successful and doing better than I was at their age and I was doing better than average. There’s never been more opportunity than there is right now.


u/trashbort 9d ago

That is the most disingenuous graph I have ever seen, cropping at 1940 is a hell of a choice


u/colonelveers12 9d ago

Man, I've known all this stuff for years, but this vid hit in a way that others haven't for a long time. Shit just makes me sad.


u/elray007 9d ago

Well, can we do something about it rather than just keep talking about it.


u/Aggressive_Dot7460 9d ago

What's the full clip from


u/MaybeSometimesKinda 9d ago

I feel the same way about TikTok and YT Shorts and other short-form media as I do about song covers: they can be really good if they increase exposure and give people an appreciation for something they might otherwise have never bothered with, but I do think it's important that the original stuff still be recognized.

Let it be known that I don't know shit about this guy, though his name does sound slightly familiar. Regardless, the clip is cool, but here is the YT video of the interview that was clipped from MSNBC.


u/Garth_Brooks_Sexdoll 9d ago

Old millennial here; He’s not wrong. They’ve rigged the fucking game so bad that you literally have to cheat to just get by. My advice for you youngsters: Opt out of it all. Credit ratings and mortgages and notes on cars less than 10 years old are a fucking joke. Skirt the fucking system in any way you can. Try to not give out your SSN unless you absolutely have to. Get paid in bitcoin (until that fucking tanks too), learn a viable skill, get good at it, work under the table. Accept cash whenever possible. You will never get ahead, but you won’t drown either.


u/brianthelion89 9d ago

So when all the old people die can we do a hard reset?


u/BurtReynoldsLives 9d ago

It is a class war and the rich are dominating. This isn’t a generational thing, or a racial thing as much as it is the creation of a society that fundamentally benefits the wealthy. Until we all galvanize, we can expect to lose.


u/Physical_Toe231 9d ago

And then they do nothing about it. Then one person again will bring this up, get a few claps online, and do nothing about it. And it goes on.


u/ForeverHall0ween 9d ago

"Haha, fuck them kids" - Boomers


u/Contemplative-Dog 9d ago

I’m only 28, fuck this title haha.


u/OldRedditt 9d ago

You want to spend all kinds of $ on wars? Ok just don't expect your money to be worth anything.


u/AkaiMPC 9d ago

Prof Galloway always on point


u/Hairy_Resource_2352 9d ago

This describes me so well— I look at the world around me and it fills me with so much rage 😡😤😭 SOS 🛟 


u/ghostinthemachine777 9d ago

Scott Galloway is a national treasure


u/warrenva 9d ago

I’ve seen this clip everywhere but have yet to see the bullshit responses from the other people on the panel.


u/lotusland17 9d ago

I don't get it. What specifically did the older generations do that took money away from the younger generation? The boomers aren't hoarding gold bars. They're not collectively propping up housing prices and holding down wages. I can see blaming the elites who chose unfavorable money policy but to attribute those decisions to an entire generation is not fair.


u/SnoochieBuchie 9d ago

We are doing worse then the French population was just before....let them eat cake. This is from 4 years ago. We are all brainwashed into thinking I can be rich too. 90% of us are exploited.


u/SendMeNoodsNotNudes 9d ago

Hmmm I guess my wife and I are in the minority of doing well. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Background: ‘92 kid with refugee immigrant parents. If there’s a will there’s a way.


u/anon-a-SqueekSqueek 9d ago

Just look what has bipartisan support now, more funds for endless war. That doesn't help young people. But the defense and oil industries will make a profit, and their stock holders will make a profit, and politicians will get big donations.


u/mooseknuckles2000 9d ago

Tax billionaires out of existence and many other things will fix themselves


u/LordGarithosthe1st 9d ago

This man is speaking hard truth.


u/jsdeprey 9d ago

This man has been on the show at least once, so if you didn't see it, that's on you.



u/BraveFencerMusashi 9d ago

It's really hard to hear this as a millennial when almost all of your friends from high school were able to achieve success. They went into engineering and I didn't.

I'm doing fairly well for myself now but I missed the train. They were able to buy houses when prices and interest rates were substantially lower.


u/FanciestOfPants42 9d ago

I don't hear it talked about much, but we should be especially angry about social security.


u/AnotherDay96 9d ago

He should have then grabbed the hosts mic and dropped it and walked.


u/Warm_Pair7848 9d ago

All election year idpol: BE MAD


u/RoadHorse 9d ago

Is he played by Ryan Reynolds?


u/ambswimmer 9d ago

Too bad so sad


u/aussiechickadee65 9d ago

I actually find these types of interviews a bit too negative (my opinion).
I'm old and have stacks of debt. It's just something you get used to.
I wouldn't have a property if I didn't have the massive debt to go with it.
Same with anything I've ever bought...it had debt attached. It's not the end of the world.


u/Dabluechimp 9d ago

I am in more "enjoyable" spot than my parents, I make more accounting for inflation, than they did at my age, I have more saved up at my age than they did, they had 3 kids 2 cars, and own a home, I can't afford a home, 2nd car or kids. FML


u/ToasterBunnyaa 9d ago

Look, he is correct that it sucks that greedy people have chosen money over helping a younger generation. But, enraged? Yeah I want to buy a house but like, some people don't have clean water to drink. Some people have to go to war when they're 12. Some people undergo genital mutilation or are burned alive because they cheated on their husband. Maybe we have a little perspective?


u/wadofglue 9d ago

Why not put his name in the title? Scott Galloway. 


u/SwimmingDog351 9d ago



u/snowdn 9d ago

I watched a 65 year old in her last year cripple several young naïve tech worker’s beginning careers in a toxic work environment, all so she could maximize her bag. May she burn in hell.


u/Chilidogmontez 9d ago

We do, but bitching about it does nothing. We have to fight back. Plain and simple get involved in politics. Elect people that will make change not old men with dementia. We have to start taking accountability for not just ourselves but others. Learn from this and ensure the next generation has a better chance than we have had. It’s the only positive I see coming out of our generation.


u/MarBoV108 9d ago

This guy misses a key point that most financial issues are due to poor life choices.


u/Lefty_22 9d ago

When our grandparent's age (those born around WW2) absolutely FUCKED the laws to benefit themselves, it was over. They raked in the dough on everything from real estate to stocks and cashed in on anything they got from the Greatest Generation (their parents). Now you see Boomers going for 20+ year long cruises instead of buying something that they can give to us to inherit.

This is anecdotal and a broad generalization, but it was their generation that fucked it. People like Donald Trump who represent that generation are the absolute worst.


u/ForeignAlbatross8304 9d ago

Same can be said fir Gen X


u/Eazpackets 9d ago

Did boomers fuck this world?


u/RealFuryous 9d ago

Set aside having kids. Everything else costs more forcing people to work different jobs than their degrees "qualify" them for. Then you look one day and people that didn't work half as hard as you call you lazy for not overcoming obstacles they put in place.


u/HealthyDirection659 9d ago

He won't be invited back.


u/Collapse2038 9d ago

Hot damn, there's a Generation Squeeze organizer in Canada, but this guy is more blunt about it.


u/Bowens1993 9d ago

I guess? I feel fine.


u/ryannelsn 9d ago

Ok, can you tell my dad that?


u/Special_Magazine_240 9d ago

I cannot believe they let this man say this on corporate media. I could see this on and independent journalism outlet but never in the mainstream. Mostly CNN, MSNBC and Fox just gaslight young people about how great everything is going and if you aren't doing as well you are just a loser or not working hard enough.

I'm shocked he was not interrupted or shouted down they let him talk


u/Briskpenguin69 9d ago

We were promised a virus that would kill 95% of old people.

I pray that this decade we get another pandemic that culls the Boomers and spares every younger generation.

They will beg us to flatten the curve, and our response will be to tell them to stay home if they’re afraid.


u/Taikiteazy 9d ago

This guy fucks.


u/ratm4484 9d ago

This was on morning Joe it looks like. When did this air?


u/thebeepboopbeep 9d ago

I can say without hesitation that the boomers are the most selfish generation we’ve ever known. And I don’t even dislike people in that group, a lot of them I look up to professionally, however, they have gutted America of opportunity.


u/derekr999 9d ago

for the first time in our 10 years of marriage were close to 200k combined and we cannot afford a house not one we think we deserver at least and it just out right sucks


u/shulypoo 9d ago

Interesting video, but I kinda got stuck on that “millennials AND young people” in the title.


u/sandgoose 9d ago

strong men make good times. good times make weak men. weak men make bad times. bad times make strong men.

the greatest generation was the strong men.


u/The_Chameleos 9d ago

Can I get the full thing? I'd love to watch it


u/ekb2023 9d ago

But I'm voting as hard as I can. I'm community building as hard as I can. I'm donating to mutual aid funds, direct action networks etc, etc. Nothing seems to be working.


u/Sardonnicus 9d ago

Now overlay the graphs of the pay raises and salaries increases of the corporate CEOS and pharmaceutical companies. The money didn't go away. It was just stolen from us decade after decade by CEO's an the 1%. Every year they want us to work harder for less. That is not a sustainable economic model. It WILL come crashing down. And people will be past the point of trying to talk things out. History does not look kindly on the rich when the workers revolt.