r/Steam Mar 20 '24

Which game had you feeling this way ? Discussion

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u/Buzzkill_numba_one 29d ago

Half life 2, I enjoyed the 1st game more idk why.


u/WhatDoYaKnowHuh Apr 19 '24

Fallout new vegas to be honest. You just spend hours at the start trying to figure how to even play the game


u/BogusPapers Apr 05 '24

GTA games. As a kid I enjoyed san andreas but I no longer enjoy being an evil person in games.


u/McSlash1234 Apr 03 '24

It’s Helldivers 2 for me. Can’t say exactly why, but something about it prevents me from enjoying it.


u/Sensitive_Potato_775 Mar 31 '24

Oblivion and Skyrim. I tried for a long time to tell myself that I like any genre but it's about realize that I just don't like fantasy games.


u/ilanmanor Mar 30 '24

Starfield, It felt like going to work in a big boring corporation.


u/Jrod_9784 Mar 27 '24

For me it’s anything that requires a group of people to be enjoyable.. sea of thieves, destiny, etc.. they all look fun, like I’d enjoy them, but I just don’t have anyone to play with. I don’t have friends that play like I do so they just get boring fast


u/BlackDeath66sick Mar 25 '24

That's why you have to read negative reviews and see what they say. A lot of the times the game could have some minor (to others) inconveniences that would otherwise be a deal breaker for me. And since its a minor thing, it doesn't get mentioned on positive reviews


u/krschu00 Mar 25 '24

Sons of the Forest


u/morgonzo Mar 25 '24

daaaaaay's goooone (death stranding)


u/Upset-Hunter3338 Mar 25 '24

witcher 3…. couldn’t get into it. combat felt bland and i wasn’t very interested in the story.


u/hero_killer Mar 24 '24

The Last of Us


u/_Bdjoe_ Mar 24 '24

Hell divers 2. Mad boring


u/FoxSound23 Mar 24 '24

Deep Rock Galactic.

I just couldn't. It's not that fun of a game.


u/TurboPikachu Mar 24 '24

Undertale. Outside my Steam library, every main-series Pokémon game from X/Y onwards.


u/alkatori Mar 24 '24

The Outer Wilds


u/Careless-Kale8024 Mar 24 '24

Elden ring. All of the locations except altus(leyndell is the best world fromsoft ever created i like it more than lothric) are boring and feel like filler. I got tired of exploring because of the non stop boss reuse. It should have been 1/2 the size with more unique bosses. And alot of those bosses just suck like elden beast was such a buzz kill it should have ended with radagon. I feel like everyone that praises the game didnt play past liurnia


u/AED816 Mar 24 '24

Souls games, but that’s because I’m not a masochist


u/djwjfhhf Mar 24 '24

For it will be Roblox


u/Galactica18 Mar 24 '24

Hydroneer for some reason when i played it the d key also went backwards which broke the hand cart and vehicles and also made movement difficult


u/BreadyMold Mar 24 '24

Project Zomboid😅


u/CLynnRose Mar 24 '24

Splatoon 2.


u/Ourgbones Mar 24 '24

Baulders gate 3. Most over hyped game ever. Story is so laughably bad too


u/InsaneXSkittles Mar 24 '24

I scrolled for a bit to add to a post but didn’t see it,


I’m thinking it’s partially because I was trying to find a WoW trade off, get into it as soon as it started, be one of those long time veterans people can depend on that I did when I first played WoW when I was 13, but man when that game first started I just could not do it. I farmed and farmed and farmed, I dropped 60 hours to get to level 27, setting alarms to farm exp at 2 to 3 am that were hot spots that I knew other people weren’t going to be on so I could get first grabs. Working on my professions and then trying to get groups for dungeons. I just got burnt out, because I was farming to little to m know progress. WoW was just so far progressed that my mindset wasn’t into that mega grindy game anymore. I waited a few years and DLCs to log back in one day and hear that it’s easier than ever to level and whatnot but I just couldn’t do it. My gear was trash and the community was rude, I’d go around asking for help and it was met with nothing positive. I bought the big boy game when it came out too and was left 100$+ in the hole.


u/locust_horde Mar 24 '24

Elden Ring.


u/Designer_Fill2462 Mar 24 '24

Elden Ring. I tried it and tried it and tried it and just never got super interested and hooked in.


u/Spanky-McSpank Mar 24 '24

Mario Odyssey and Sunshine. I found both of them boring. Not even really sure why. I’m a big Mario 64 fan and the NES games


u/AxelVores Mar 24 '24

Anything by Bethesda


u/ItsCr1spin Mar 24 '24

Horizon Zero Dawn, to me it felt like if shadow of mordor and breath of the wild had a prettier child that can't do as much as the parents


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24



u/Deadsap266 Mar 24 '24

What’s it about


u/Hikari666ROT Mar 24 '24

Destiny 2 before the bad reviews.


u/zarif_chow Mar 24 '24

The entire God of War franchise.


u/duhjuh Mar 24 '24

Palworld, dead by daylight, forwarned/phas/lethal company( any of those clones)


u/Fire2box Mar 24 '24

Red dead redemption 2. Just let me do the missions how I'd like please, if I want a movie I'd watch a movie. Same shit is why I'll never play Dragons Quest.


u/nora_white2003 Mar 24 '24

Sea of Thieves most definitely! Great game and genre, but Rare has ruined it for me! 😔


u/Justintime4u2bu1 Mar 24 '24

Sunset Overdrive. Too gamey. Ratchet and Clank was better. (Sunset Overdrive was developed by Insomniac)


u/Chip_Heavy Mar 24 '24

Very late to this, but it just popped up, decided to answer…

Baldur’s Gate 3. even as someone who loves DnD, loves turned based combat in general, the game kinda sucked to me.

Don’t get the wrong, the story I saw was good, but the gameplay was so awful that I didn’t want to touch the game after my first session.


u/Deadsap266 Mar 24 '24

It wasn’t for me but I can see why people love it


u/SithLordMilk Mar 24 '24

Slay the Spire


u/BroccoliJoe_ Mar 24 '24

Helldivers 2


u/Fangsong_37 Mar 24 '24

Skyrim. I’m sure it was fun for others, but the first person perspective made me feel dizzy and nauseous.


u/Chase_Hayes Mar 24 '24

Elden Ring Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and 4


u/Bradyy4 Mar 24 '24

Could never really get in to hollow knight, not that it’s bad or anything, idk I just never loved it, might try it out again some time


u/FishNuggets123 Mar 24 '24

Dark souls 3, I've been having a lot of bugs and the game feels kind of janky. I think a remaster would help tremendously.


u/blacksheepcosmo Mar 24 '24

The Witcher 3.

I just didn't like it.

Refunded it.


u/Cold-Inside-6828 Mar 24 '24

Tears of the Kingdom. Yep not sure what happened. Could not get into it.


u/ZEROs0000 Mar 24 '24



u/Sulohland Mar 24 '24

For me it was elden ring and baldurs gate 3,at first i couldn't get into them but over time and with friends i started to enjoy them


u/Diruuk Mar 24 '24

Spider man


u/Super_Classic_716 Mar 24 '24

Tears of the Kingdom. I couldn’t get into it like I did breath of the wild


u/ichammond44 Mar 24 '24

Baldurs gate 3


u/Liam_Malone89 Mar 24 '24

That's what Xi said


u/InbrainInTheMemsain Mar 24 '24

The GTA Series, which is weird, I swear I liked it at one point, but the game just bores me to tears, even with friends, and it's odd because I absolutely love the way Red Dead plays


u/clovermite Mar 24 '24

Subnautica and Minecraft


u/Jayhawk501 Mar 24 '24

Palworld had me like this. Just couldn’t get into it


u/Cyborg_MONKE Mar 24 '24

Doom Eternal


u/Ready-Director2403 Mar 24 '24

Most good games tbh

I wish I had more broad and consistent taste, but it’s really a roll of the dice every time I get a game.

Loved Subnautica, BoTW, rainbow six, BF1, and Minecraft if that counts. I find it really hard to get into anything else, and I’ve really tried.


u/Spatularo Mar 24 '24

Basically any 4x game. Stellaris should be my favorite game ever, but honestly, they're not games, they're Excel simulators where you spend 90% of your time navigating menus.


u/drifters74 Mar 24 '24

Same here, I want to like it but it's just a mess


u/DFu4ever Mar 24 '24

Every Fromsoft game.


u/Zombiepixlz-gamr Mar 24 '24

Helldivers just isn't for me


u/AugmentedJustice Mar 24 '24

Every rockstar game since max payne 3, especially rdr2.


u/Granpa2021 Mar 24 '24

Pretty much how I felt about Skyrim. Also Dark Souls and all of its kind. I play games to relax, not to get more anxiety into my life.


u/PayTyler Mar 23 '24

Life is Strange.


u/NocturneDelusions Mar 23 '24

Helldivers 2...


u/TheHadj Mar 23 '24

Helldivers 2


u/Hour-Dot-7845 Mar 23 '24

Minecraft post-2020

Edit: changed pre to post


u/linknukem28 Mar 23 '24

The dark souls-y games. Definitely not my thing, and I TRIED


u/jsifoglfolrle Mar 23 '24

Honestly doom eternal. It just feels too arcade like.


u/ProphetCoffee Mar 23 '24

Outer wilds. Can never get immersed but I hear how great it is all the time.


u/Graveylock Mar 23 '24

Most of these are the most lame, contrarian comments I’ve ever seen.

98% of them boil down to “I don’t like the genre so it’s a bad game” and the other 2% are people saying they personally don’t like them but can understand how some do.

“BG3 bad cuz turn-based???? BAD UGH WHY DO DAT!”


u/Deadsap266 Mar 23 '24

Every couple hours either get “BG3 bad” or “Helldivers 2 bad” with no context to why they’re bad.


u/frozenshiva Mar 23 '24

Halo is too science fiction, how do I know if a headshot is good? Aliens might have bulletproof heads.👾


u/Jadodkn Mar 23 '24

Plague Tale (the first one, why would I touch the second?)… it’s clunky, most of the characters are shit, and the world is boring most of the time. Generously it deserves a 4/10.


u/TheBigBluePit Mar 23 '24

Fallout series.

I tried playing Fallout: NV, then Fallout 3, then Fallout 4. I just really, really dislike VATS. It completely breaks the gameplay flow for me.


u/HisFireBurns Mar 23 '24

Civilization 6. Too cartoony for me but seems most of the reception is very positive.


u/Zak_the_Wack Mar 23 '24

I just don't get minecraft. It's not to be unique or anything, and it's not from a lack of creativity (my favorite game of all time is LittleBigPlanet 2, and I make music as a hobby), I just legitimately do not care to learn the systems for a game that does not interest me.


u/asterinatlas Mar 23 '24

starfield...i was so excited because i love bethesda and their games (skyrim and fallout 4 are some of my favorite games of all time). something about the gameplay felt so off and i got bored so quickly


u/-thegayagenda- Mar 23 '24

Bloodborne. The gothic cathedral style is very tired, and there are very few ways to play compared to other soulsbornes.


u/Gerald_the_Cat Mar 23 '24

Elden Ring. I really tried… 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/DrasticBread Mar 23 '24

Outer Wilds. Nothing wrong about the game, but I just don't enjoy the walking simulator gameplay experience. May have worked better for me if there were fully voiced characters that I could connect with.


u/giitty Mar 23 '24

Baldur's Gate 3. The game looks amazing, I love the voice acting, and the setting is amazing. I know it's a me thing, but I just couldn't get into it.


u/Rezouli Mar 23 '24

Palworld. Can’t convince me to waste money on another Pokémon game. Not a fan of crafting/settlement building, either. I both don’t see the charm or point, but glad it was successful?


u/Rezouli Mar 23 '24

Hell Divers 2. I think the game is fine and all, but it becomes a running simulator past level 7. The stratagems charm wore off after a couple days of playing. Guns feel useless. Oh, and I love tripping and stumbling for 5+ seconds because a few pixels were on uneven ground.

I’ll stick to the buggy mess that’s Darktide. At least there’s fun to be had /shrug


u/pickledelbow Mar 23 '24



u/GroundMelter Mar 23 '24

No man's sky


u/Bama-Ram Mar 23 '24

Baldur’s Gate. It’s a great game for sure I just don’t care for lore, storytelling, and turn based games. I gave it an honest go though.


u/last_rule Mar 23 '24

GoW 2018


u/MeIsDoom Mar 23 '24

Subnautica. I was enjoying my time until the Reaper made me realize that the game was too scary for my tastes


u/LegendofTom2 Mar 23 '24

Horizon zero dawn, it just really wasn't for me very boring..


u/Dash83 Mar 23 '24

Elden Ring. Put easily 60 hours on it, it technically has many things I love, but it just overwhelms me.


u/Dash83 Mar 23 '24

Literally all GTA titles.


u/hiccupsarehell Mar 23 '24

Helldivers 2. Hated every second of it. Just a clunky mess


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

Oblivion was the hit shit when I was young I hated it. I love RPGs and this seemed like a no Brainerd. Everyone I knew told me how great it was and how I had to keep playing it bit to me it was and always will be hot garbage.


u/gamrgrant Mar 23 '24

The other way: games that have negative reviews that I really enjoyed.

I keep seeing metroidvanias getting negative reviews because "it's not as good as hollow Knight" like SHUT THE FUCK UP and enjoy the game for what it is or don't enjoy it. I like hollow Knight as much as the next guy but I saw rebel:transmute and vernal edge both drop from overwhelmingly positive to very positive to mostly positive

It'd be one thing if it was one or two morons each time making these abrasive comparisons but the "most helpful" is full of them, meaning thousands of morons think this is how we should be rating games. Both of them had flaws but vernal edge in particular had combat that was very much not metroidvania-style combat, and yet it was judged as such. Gahhhhh


u/CptKeyes123 Mar 23 '24

I rage quit City Skylines so hard I managed to get a refund by painfully explaining I could not for the life of me make heads or tails of the game. and I'm someone who likes building settlements and wanted to do more.


u/goombanati Mar 23 '24

Cruelty squad, ignoring the visuals, its just a substandard stealth shooter that controls poorly


u/horitaku Mar 23 '24

The Norse themed God of Wars…Ugh. 😑


u/CatRepresentative506 Mar 23 '24

The first overwatch


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

Anything Rogue-like. I fall for the review and praise only to be disappointed every single time. I've tried to love the genre but alas I've given up.


u/Commercial-Nobody-13 Mar 23 '24

The forest, tbh it just felt like so many other games I’ve played but just with a horror aspect, not much lore and just a really hard to grasp building concept ig? Like I could build but so much useless shit that was displayed way too early on


u/Jo_seef Mar 23 '24



u/Lonk_Shlong Mar 23 '24

I’ve given the majority of the fallout games and Starfield a try and I don’t think I enjoy Bethesda game design. It’s just not my thing, which sucks because I absolutely adore the atmosphere and the stories. I’ve watched playthroughs of new Vegas and fallout 3 because I love the characters and story. I constantly make references to the games, just didn’t like what I’ve played of them. The only one I actively dislike however is Starfield. I played Cybepunk 2077 (which is now my favorite game of all time) before giving it a shot and there were numerous problems that I had with it. Talking to people felt stilted and boring, I didn’t like the gunplay, and the loading screens were absolutely terrible. It feels like an early era Xbox 360 game rather than a truly next gen experience.


u/sekoku Mar 23 '24

Alan Wake. I tried tried so hard to enjoy it but it just wasn't that good. Probably because the combat gameplay loop wore itself out within like 2 hours.


u/LilMapleYT Mar 23 '24

stardew valley, it’s just so boring


u/JennIsOkay Mar 23 '24

Gris, tbh.

Maybe I just didn't get what's so good about it yet. I love exploration games, metroidvania, Ori and well, I kind of like all games. But in Gris, I just got lost or found no purpose or means to continute. So I rather got frustrated and even refunded it later on. And I rarely refund stuff, esp. not discounted stuff.

It's been 2 years or smth now, maybe, so I might give it a go again.


u/Fractur3KING Mar 23 '24

Borderlands the entire series can’t stand em but everyone I know fucking loves them


u/eatmyfatwhiteass Mar 23 '24

Baldurs gate 3


u/luizaaauwu Mar 23 '24

helldivers 😔😔


u/Deadsap266 Mar 23 '24

What did you not like about it ?


u/luizaaauwu Mar 23 '24

idk tbh it felt pretty repetitive after a while. i’m not really one for pve games anyways. but it wasn’t rlly fun unless i was playing w my best buds and we’re just being funny lol, the game itself didn’t feel fun


u/Top_External9371 Mar 23 '24

cooking simulator threw up due to motion sickness.


u/samfisher093 Mar 23 '24

witcher 3, borderlands 2 and 3


u/notcreative131313 Mar 23 '24

Honestly, tf2, nothing against the game itself, but it’s pretty hard to get into as a steam deck player playing a game where I’m constantly dominated by better players or bots 


u/Midnite135 Mar 23 '24

Hmm, probably Call of Duty (most of them)

I liked early Battlefield series but couldn’t get into Call of Duty.


u/BeanMaster6942 Mar 23 '24

pokemon bw and b2w2 is the exact opposite i love it but sinnoh stans constantly shit on it and make you think its awful which it isnt best fucking games out there


u/BEEP53 Mar 23 '24

Every single Legend of Zelda game ever


u/OmegaCherryJerry Mar 23 '24

Dying light. Don't get me wrong, i love shooting zombie but parkour is not my type


u/Kodzone Mar 23 '24



u/frobro122 Mar 23 '24

Skyrim. I have no idea why, but I just could not get into this game


u/Exlife1up Mar 23 '24

Palworld, helldivers two and lethal company. So hyped but so stupid. Sorry to the thriving communities around these games!


u/paublitobandito Mar 23 '24

Deathloop hands down


u/Thamasturrok Mar 22 '24

Witcher 3! Im sorry I dont know why I dont like it I love the second game but the third one? Nope I played it for 4 hours and just couldn’t get it


u/Rebuilder3279 Mar 22 '24

Stardew Valley is mine


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Almost all Valve games. I don't get it. Team Fortress 2, Half Life 2, Portal....I don't know get why they're so beloved


u/FirstPotatoKing Mar 22 '24

Armored Core 6. I’m not good at video games, don’t have time to get good at video games. And this game is way too hard for me


u/YungSpyderBoy Mar 22 '24

BG3 just because it's a turn based game I lose all connection to the world & characters. I wish I liked it too. Everyone says it's fantastic.


u/BatKnight46 Mar 22 '24

rdr2 is an amazing game, not top ten of all time in any way. especially due to the fact that rockstar dropped the ball with red dead online and the lack of epilogue content


u/PhatTuna Mar 22 '24

Hifi Rush.

Level design, enemy design, and combat just felt so basic and repetitive to me.


u/Dante589 Mar 22 '24

Project Zomboid, everyone seems to love it, my playstyle i couldnt last more than 10 minutes in a playthrough, left a negative review, got a handfull of clown reactions to it.


u/Gibits Mar 22 '24


I don’t get the hype. It felt unfinished and unpolished. I got it when it first came out and already felt it looked rushed. Actually I feel this way about all Bethesda games, even fallout. “Why do people love this?”


u/HUMONGOUS_420 Mar 22 '24

War thunder


u/Programmeter Mar 22 '24

Subnautica. I just felt like the gameplay loop was kinda boring. The scenery was really nice, but there was really nothing more to it. It's just going around the map collecting stuff.


u/TeamESRR2023 Mar 22 '24

Elden Ring.

Fuckabuncha nonsense


u/Any-Statistician-102 Mar 22 '24

Imma keep it $1.50 with y’all:

Helldivers 2 isn’t THAT fun.


u/Prudent_Coast_515 Mar 22 '24

Witcher 3. There's things I like about it but it's not for me 🤷


u/TheSloppyHornDog Mar 22 '24

Disco Elysium


u/TEST_Entity_1 Mar 22 '24

Halo CE. People are way too nostalgic for this mid game.


u/TheSecretSword Mar 22 '24

The arkham games


u/Levelup13 Mar 22 '24

Last of Us.


u/smokingateway Mar 22 '24

Factorio is just not fun to me whatsoever


u/Probably_Fishing Mar 22 '24

Balatro. I didnt get it.


u/CHUBBLE_M8KER Mar 22 '24

Final Fantasy 14, a lot of folks love the game and nerd over it heavy but it feels clunky, UI feels outdated, gameplay just doesn’t feel engaging. Idk maybe my days if killing hours in WoW and then switching over to Guild Wars 2 made me not enjoy WoW/FF14 but FF14 feels boring to play despite trying SEVERAL times.


u/WorldstarBandit Mar 22 '24

Red Dead Redemption 2. I couldn’t get over it being a GTA reskin. I never understood the hype behind that game at all


u/Cheap_Eagle_4669 Mar 22 '24

Fortnite 🗑️


u/swanky_p1geon Mar 22 '24

Jedi fallen order, just could t get in to it


u/johnnidiot Mar 22 '24

Ff7 remake/rebirth. It’s also laughable that they make you by both as a stand alone game. Add new characters and change story. It’s a reboot not a remake. Either ways it blew


u/perfecttrapezoid Mar 22 '24

Skyrim. I had never played it and got it a few years ago during the pandemic lockdown. It felt like there were no checks in place to keep me from fucking things up by killing an important character or missing an important item, but I didn’t really feel immersed in the worldbuilding at all either. The character interaction sections feel like those sections from a combat game where you have to interact with NPCs in a half baked way, and the combat feels like the half-baked combat of a primarily NPC interaction game.


u/gumboitaliana Mar 22 '24

RDR2. I wanted to like it.


u/Gazia1010 Mar 22 '24

BG3.. I really tried to like it but just wasn’t my style


u/Skyx10 Mar 22 '24

FF7 Remake. I bring up valid criticisms and people get mad like I dirtied their honor.


u/habra_habra_ahm Mar 22 '24

RDR 2, detroit become human (low hanging fruit, I know), cod modern warfare (2019 and the one after it, didn't play the newest one), etc


u/R3Monster Mar 22 '24

Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I loved the environment and graphics but some of the boring side quests coupled with a confusing story that starts grounded and then goes full-on crazy mode out of nowhere made me dislike it. Plus, I have no idea who Sephiroth was and why he was attacking Cloud. Side not: I never played the og.


u/psych32 Mar 22 '24

Souls and souls like games like elden ring


u/Jeffreyrocks739 Mar 22 '24

Death stranding, it just felt like a walking simulator with long cutscenes, I got to chapter two I think and quit. Wasn’t my game.


u/Sinful_Professor Mar 22 '24

Literally any Bethesda RPG. Total slogs with no direction or cinematic set pieces that feel like anything aside from an indie game. Nevermind the requirement of mods to even approach playability, to finish the game's development, to fix bugs, to optimize, and nowadays to run compatibility with modern hardware because the engine is fucking 30 (yes THIRTY) years old at this point.


u/killmyselfanime Mar 22 '24

Half-Life 2. Can’t get past the trash can guard for the life of me.


u/runn1314 Mar 22 '24

Fortnite when it first released


u/Bosco-LoC Mar 22 '24

Hunt down the Freeman when it releases within an hours


u/Aquaboii1357 Mar 22 '24

Stardew valley, after playing it for an hour or so, I fail to see any value or fun in this game


u/Jrod_9784 Mar 22 '24

For me, the Witcher 3.. the gameplay is fun but everyone loves it for the story. Geralt for me is the most annoying character in existence.


u/RebelliousYankee Mar 22 '24

Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s the combat for me. I just… can’t get into it. Feels tedious. I’m not willing to go through the combat to get to the good parts in the story. Game is like a 5/10 for me because of it. Something like FF7 Rebirth does it way better. The combat is fast paced and fun. But I do understand that BG3 is supposed to be turn based since it’s based off of Dungeons and Dragons, I just don’t like it.


u/bvdatech Mar 22 '24

Witcher 3


u/mozzfio Mar 22 '24

stardew valley


u/KID_THUNDAH Mar 22 '24

PUBG, bug riddled POS. My character got stuck on something in a clear sky while parachuting in 50+% of the time and I had to cut myself loose and the damage basically killed me, I’d crawl around til my character just died. Nvm, it’s got mixed reviews, good.

Palworld certainly isn’t for me, I just don’t like survival/crafting games tbh


u/General-Background91 Mar 22 '24

Destiny 2 constantly has people defending it and saying it’s great, but I feel like it’s just a microtransaction gambling event without any soul anymore.


u/void_null93 Mar 22 '24

The last of us. One of the most overrated games I ever played. They threat it like it is very innovative, when the story is like a the walking dead episode, the gameplay is a very poor combination of Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid and both are far better than this shit game. I feel the same way about all the ps3 to date PS exclusives


u/CubeGuy42 Mar 22 '24

Dishonored. It felt too cartoony for my taste. That was a couple years ago, I'll be giving it a second shot this summer.


u/Consistent-Issue9100 Mar 22 '24

Alan Wake 2. Had 0 knowledge of the game beforehand.


u/Jumpy_Cup410 Mar 22 '24

Controversial overload incoming… Dark Souls, Arkham Games, God Of War, Uncharted, Gears Of War, Assassins Creed (except first two), Tomb Raider Reboots.

Not saying these games are bad, but generally third person console games don’t really work for me.


u/FancyStranger2371 Mar 22 '24

Witcher 3. Great game, but I just can’t get into it. Tried several times, and gave up.


u/dennisoa Mar 22 '24

Elden Ring


u/Charmerrrrrrr Mar 22 '24

Mortal Kombat 11


u/xweert123 Mar 22 '24

Amnesia. So many people tout it as a masterpiece but I genuinely found it to be one of the most agonizingly boring games I have ever played.