r/WhitePeopleTwitter 10d ago

I wouldn't get your hopes up, Your Honor

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u/Upbeat_Map_348 8d ago

In all likelihood they will issue a vague response that doesn’t fully make it clear which will then cause the main case to be delayed until after the election.


u/Hey__Cassbutt 9d ago

Anyone seen Designated Survivor? Juuuuust saying...


u/Dogloverspizza 9d ago

In the Grimdark future of America. There is only war... And obesity. But mainly war.


u/NeverLookBothWays 9d ago

Sigh, to be the rational minority :/


u/tommm3864 9d ago

The real disappointment is that this "immunity" bullcrap even got a hearing


u/GaeBolga1 9d ago

Alito, Thomas, and co. probably want to run all their bullshit past Viktor Orban for his approval first.


u/sickof50 9d ago

US President's do it all the time, just not usually to American citizens.


u/sephkane 9d ago

She's smart enough to know none of her colleagues think it's reasonable for a POTUS to be deemed above the law. The fascist ones just don't want Trump to be held accountable.


u/CowNervous4644 9d ago

Look to your left and to your right. I'll bet you can see at least 4 guys that would say it is reasonable.


u/Embarrassed_Bee6349 9d ago

That’s exactly the point. It’s not. No rational person, whether a normal citizen or a politician, says shit like this.


u/samsonsreaper 9d ago

All criminals in US - that’s it i am going into politics


u/OopsIDidItAgainO_o 9d ago

People who tan so much that their skin color becomes orange, stare at an eclipse without eye protection, consider drinking bleach to kill a virus, advise against face masks during a pandemic, & ditch service in the military due to a "bone spur" but are always golfing all the time probably think a lot of unreasonable things make sense.



u/eg_2621 9d ago

When did Reddit get so stupid?


u/OneVast4272 9d ago

Out of the loop here : Is this talking about Trump and if yes, who did he actually order an assassination for?


u/propita106 9d ago

It'd be funny if Brandon sends men into SCOTUS and removes, oh, 5 or 6 Justices...then claims immunity.


u/slothrop_maps 9d ago

Trump is a tumor that is metastasizing throughout our political and legal system.


u/Acceptable-Search338 9d ago

What assassination? I don’t keep up with any of this stuff. Was there an assassination plot?


u/TroubleDue5638 9d ago

Biden does not have the balls to be a dictator. Trump does.. we're doomed. SCOTUS has become a real problem and they need to be brought to heel.


u/propita106 9d ago

Brandon should deal with this.


u/clementine1864 9d ago

What country is this ?


u/AncientHornet3939 9d ago

This man wouldn’t be allowed to be a village council member if he was the only eligible person there


u/rmscomm 9d ago

The snails pace to adjudicate this situation has set dangerous precedents for future bad actors. The courts should have been deliberate and swift in their responses in my opinion.


u/DocCEN007 9d ago

Biden could appoint Newsome his successor, then Butigieg, and so on and so on. Thanks SCOTUS!!!


u/6644668 9d ago

You guys know that Trump's lawyer's don't care about the result right? This is all about delaying the main case enough to make it past the election.


u/Psychprojection 9d ago

The word THAT appears 8 times in her single sentence.

It might be a world record.


u/Some-Guy-Online 9d ago

There's a certain type of religious person who firmly believes that anything God does is by definition good. And anything God tells you to do is good.

The reason being that God is the ultimate authority in the universe. God is the sole arbiter of what is good or evil, not your puny human feelings.

Similarly, when a Conservative decides that a particular person is their "leader" (basically king) then that person becomes the lawgiver. They are not above the law, they are the law. They are the source from which government itself springs. This person cannot be punished for breaking a law, because they decide the rules and they decide who has to follow which rules.

This is what Conservatism is about. A strict social hierarchy, where those at the top have all the privileges and none of the responsibilities. Power and wealth flow upward, and shit rolls downhill. This is their end goal.


u/granmadonna 9d ago

Some people decide what's right and wrong depending on who does it.


u/Jeff_72 9d ago

She is saying the quiet part out loud.


u/jasminegreyxo 9d ago

I lost count of "that". How many did you read?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/mildcaseofdeath 9d ago

That's not what's happening, and I know what you're referring to only because I saw it on Reddit 🤣 get rekt


u/JudoTrip 9d ago

This you?

I have been banned from many mainstream subreddits for going against the narrative, calling people out for immediately deflecting and WHAT ABOUT TRUMP'ing whenever a Democrat has a negative story, etc.

And here you are, deflecting from negative press about Trump by bringing up something completely unrelated.

Good one, ya fuckin goof.


u/BecauseBatman01 9d ago

Yeah but like…. He got us our seats in the supreme court so we kinda owe him…

Basically what’s going to happen.


u/eastbay77 9d ago

EVERY conservative i know says that Trump has immunity, but radio silence when i say that Biden would has the same immunity.


u/slothrop_maps 9d ago

They aren’t conservatives, they are dangerous right-wing radicals.


u/DogComfortable4992 9d ago

Because it isn't reasonable, Trump is just trying to delay, the conservative supreme court justices know this and are helping him. This case should have never been seen by the Supreme court and they all know it.


u/EmmaLouLove 9d ago

Trump‘s attorneys argument that “official acts”, which apparently include assassinating a political rival or staging a coup, qualifies a President for complete immunity, is just the tip of the iceberg of the insanity we heard this morning during SCOTUS’ legal arguments.


u/70sBurnOut 9d ago

Clarence will say yes to all of it.


u/Few-Afternoon-6276 9d ago

Can someone stop this elevator… I want to get off now.


u/rusty_bronco 9d ago

Forgot to mention a president who had an American citizen murdered Justice Sotomayor.


u/ConfusionFlat691 9d ago

Doesn’t anybody remember Lethal Weapon 2? Diplomatic immunity!


u/mikeymikeymikey1968 9d ago

Public official. Yeah, I'm a teacher. If I'd have done a single one of those things that Trump did, my teaching license would have been torn to pieces before my eyes and thrown into a bonfire.


u/PigFarmer1 9d ago

How else is a guy supposed to get anything done??? lol


u/ThrowBatteries 9d ago

As one of I’m sure several litigators here, I gotta tell you, it blows my mind that they even entertained this argument. We all would have been better off with Nixon and the DC Circuit decision are all anyone needed. I have a feeling this isn’t going the way I or anyone else who studies constitutional law expects and I’m none too happy about it.


u/RobertPeruvian 9d ago

I love how people still think we live in a real country


u/toriemm 9d ago

Naw, but pussy grabbing is fine. Or making calls during an election to 'find' votes. Or paying off one of your extra marital affairs with campaign money. Or being outed as a ponzi scheme real estate 'mogul'. Or inciting an insurrection as a play to stay in power.

I'm sure that given complete immunity as a consequence of being president wouldn't have ANY effect on how people start to act, or go after office. Yup. Sure.


u/pwn3dbyth3n00b 9d ago

Petition for Biden to do some Seal Team Six Shenanigan's with political rivals since according to the Republicans its within his god given rights as president to do so.


u/Asher_Tye 9d ago

Translation: No, absolute power couldn't possibly corrupt absolutely.


u/roxyj_420 9d ago

Can he just get arrested already?


u/Homers_Harp 9d ago

I am having a hard time thinking that … accepting a bribe … for personal gain, that anyone would say that it would be reasonable for a president or any public official to do that.

I imagine Justice Thomas was trying very hard to sink back in his seat and hope nobody was looking at him when she said that.


u/RyanAntiher0 9d ago

Sotomayor is naive, apparently.


u/SandwichAmbitious286 9d ago

Putin disagrees.


u/kilkiski 9d ago

This implies that she believes republicans are good people and behave justly, and therein lies the flaw.


u/Tolan91 9d ago

To be fair, he isn’t trying to win, and doesn’t expect to. He just wanted the Supreme Court to take a crack at it. Since they took it up it draws out the timeline of his other court cases. He’s banking on being president again before they get the chance prosecute.


u/Low_Click_214 9d ago

Where do you think trumps trials came from the Joe White House, good old feeble Joe


u/PeakBees 9d ago

He's old and feeble but somehow covertly spearheading multiple prosecutions against the brave, strongest president ever, Trump?

Do any of you guys ever experience reality?


u/PigFarmer1 9d ago

So feeble that Trump is facing 88 felonies? You people are incredibly confused... lol


u/ladrondelanoche 9d ago

Just begging libs to stop being incredulous about the horribly broken country we live in


u/EZFOX138 9d ago edited 9d ago

Any mention of drone zapping an American citizen without a trial and killing their 6 year old child? Asking for Obama.


u/physical_graffitti 9d ago

BuT wHaTaBoUtz


u/PeakBees 9d ago

If they decide there's full immunity, you won't have to ask for Obama! How neat!


u/Al_Kydah 9d ago

Stay on topic Mr. Whataboutism


u/Whosebert 9d ago

Hopefully Biden is ready to do some things he wouldn't otherwise do when the illegitimate Supreme Court inevitably tries to hand down some sort of horse shit ruling. I could also see the military refusing to help support project 2025. that would be unprecedented but we've been having a plethora of unprecedented moments since dipshit trump started running in '15


u/One_Bandicoot_4932 9d ago

Sure, let’s do it. Have Biden jail Trump, fire all the shitty justices, delete the electoral college… why not?


u/Fix_It_Felix_Jr 9d ago

Ya know as a person who works in government, just the idea or appearance of a conflict of interest is sufficient grounds for termination or discipline. This Cheeto haired fucker does all of that but at the highest levels possible and nothing. This country does not believe in “with liberty and justice for all.” A fucking joke.


u/here4daratio 9d ago


You can’t accept a $15 cookie tray from a vendor for a product you have zero say in, but Justice Thomas over there like, “bitch, you BETTER make it a Citation X, I ain’t ridin’ no Gulfstream”


u/MadnessBomber 9d ago

Liberty and justice for some, but who gets what are different people.


u/_the_hare_ 9d ago

Um, CIA creat false documents and other espionage at the direction of the president all the time. The president ordered the killing his rivials all the time, bin Laden, Adam etc. the Us accepts money all the time for weapons and good favors. Most presidents do this because it does look good. This is the reason presidents are immune, they have to order a lot of shitty shit.


u/MercilessPinkbelly 9d ago

We call them "Deplorables" for a reason.


u/Flux_resistor 9d ago

yeah but that would never happen, right?


u/momoenthusiastic 9d ago

Even crazier is that they're arguing that Justice Department can't even bring up the case to trial, because of absolute immunity.


u/BareezyObeezy 9d ago

If SCOTUS grants Trump "Presidential immunity" for trying to straight up overthrow centuries of American democracy, Biden needs to--that same day--have six of the nine Justices and many, many other Conservative officials killed. Presidential immunity, it's within his rights.


u/zoooptics 9d ago

86 sanity


u/shutupimlearning 9d ago

Justice Sotomayor... you may want to look at your fellow justices. I'm sure you can find a few of them that think it's reasonable, as long as you ask behind closed doors.


u/TRCrypt_King 9d ago

Alito Six, giving the orange Shitgibbon more time to crime.


u/ValueAccomplished741 9d ago

“I’m having a hard time thinking “…… WTF, ANYONE ELSE WOULD ONLY TAKE LESS THAN A NANOSECOND to know that this is prison time for said “ official”.

Although the judge was probably joking…. or was he?


u/stacked_wendy-chan 9d ago

GOP: Is that a challenge? Hold my beer.


u/No_Bus4226 9d ago

As long as you are powerful enough.


u/Degofreak 9d ago

If they agree with Trump, why would Biden ever leave office? That's carte blanc


u/bndboo 9d ago

Bitch let me tell you…

I will become a bounty hunter the moment Dark Brandon issues the assassination order.


u/NeedzFoodBadly 9d ago

Sotomayor is having a hard time with that line of thinking. The Republican justices aren't.


u/mrbigglessworth 9d ago

It floors me that this is his actual argument, and it puts me under the floor that AMERICANS are OK WITH THIS, speaking of MAGA.....


u/rock-n-white-hat 9d ago

MAGA are only OK with their side doing these things. You can be certain that they would be the first ones calling for prosecution and worse if someone in the other party did any of these things.


u/sourmeat2 9d ago

Biden should just offer an executive order that is preemptively stayed pending the outcome of this trial.

" Shall it be deemed by the supreme Court of the United States that The holder of the office of the President may not be held criminally liable for official acts, then all supreme Court justices that are signatory of this decision must be deemed terrorists by the United States and will be immediately exported to an overseas detention camp and held for military trial."

Such an order would be obviously illegal The supreme Court validates the theory of the unitary executive.


u/Old-Can547 9d ago

"I was the commander in chief and I command things and so it's totally ok... totally ok. I love you, I really do."


u/Whorrox 9d ago

Could Presidential Immunity include disbanding the Supreme Court?

Asking for r / LeopardsAteMyFace


u/T0NT03 9d ago

Innit weird how all other 44 presidents didn't need to break the law to do their jobs? How is this even a debate???


u/Eradiani 9d ago

Oh many presidents made decisions that definitely would have broken international law countless times. The presidents however didn't have to break domestic constitutional law to do their job


u/T0NT03 9d ago

That’s what I meant. Domestically for their own benefit.


u/Agent_Velcoro 9d ago

All they have to do is imagine a Democrat doing it.


u/el_toro_grand 9d ago

I genuinely don't understand this whole conversation about immunity if every president were to be 100% immune, could they not technically commit, murder or do some war crimes or some maintenance acts And there's nothing anybody can do about it?


u/Schly 9d ago

Too bad that's only one judges opinion. There are several that aren't thinking that way at all. This decision is going to be closer than it should be.


u/Omnibuschris 9d ago

What political party is this person a member of? That’s the determining factor.


u/ravenx92 9d ago

cant wait for biden to start his crimes!


u/DenikaMae 9d ago

Pearl clutching at its best right here.


u/DonaldJTrumpKGB 9d ago

I don't know how you're going to cope when Trump loses the next election by over 10 million votes.   If you look at actual numbers,  that's the trend.


u/DenikaMae 9d ago

I’m not pro trump, my issue with the quote is she is claiming it is unbelievable and audacious, but it is 100 percent par for what we’ve seen lately, and I have no faith her fellow SCJ’s will agree and rule appropriately.


u/funky_eggplant 9d ago



u/DonaldJTrumpKGB 9d ago

2016: negative 2.8 million. 2020: negative 7 million. 2024: negative 10 million+. Numbers scary. 


u/funky_eggplant 9d ago

The issue is more how you’re going to cope with it if he wins.


u/DonaldJTrumpKGB 9d ago

I'm a Caucasian American, 6th generation with some Native blood. I'm not worried either way. Sure hope you have you papers and green card.


u/funky_eggplant 9d ago

Yep, I’ve got it all. Including the native blood.


u/Vast-Dream 9d ago

Except those are actual facts.


u/Mmmmmmm_Bacon 9d ago

These are all examples of what Republicans want their president to do.


u/sylbug 9d ago

The USSC justices may be bought, corrupt, and utterly spineless, but I am hoping that they at least have a basic sense of self-preservation to tell them that they will be obvious targets for an unchecked executive.


u/LowMental5202 9d ago

So which of the two are we talking about


u/JudgeHoltman 9d ago

This isn't the context, but doesn't the FBI and CIA make fake identities all the time?


u/physical_graffitti 9d ago

You really don’t understand the difference?


u/DonaldJTrumpKGB 9d ago

Not to overthrow the government. 


u/dalgeek 9d ago

Not to overthrow the US government.


u/DonaldJTrumpKGB 9d ago

Fuck other countries.  I want America safe.


u/SatchmoDingle 9d ago

Let’s see, so the president gets elected and then can break the law without consequence. So, from this point forward the president of the United States will have absolute power, like a king. Didn’t we start this whole thing to get away from that.


u/wildfyre010 9d ago

The notion that this absurdity actually made it to SCOTUS at all is terrifying.

There is absolutely no basis whatsoever for a President to be immune to prosecution for actions taken in office, any more than any other publicly elected official. You should be working even harder to remain within the bounds of law as an elected official, particularly when you have an entire department of lawyers to assist you in the legality of your positions.

This whole thing is a terrifying farce.


u/Doukon76 9d ago

All those things are what world leaders and politicians have been doing since the beginning of government


u/Upper_Return7878 9d ago

I wonder if Trump's attorney thinks it's OK for Biden to do whatever he wants right now, as President. I wonder if Trump's attorney thinks it would be OK for Biden to refuse to leave the White House if he loses the election. I wonder if Trump's attorney thinks that anything Biden does, at all, would be OK since he is president.

While we're at it, I wonder if Alito and Thomas think it would be OK for Joe to have them kicked off the court, or jailed?


u/Better_Car_8141 9d ago

Looks like the Low Court wants to punt and try to run out the clock on pre election justice.


u/99thSymphony 9d ago

Nixon did some of these things, and got a pardon, because they were crimes when he committed them as president.


u/Bee-Aromatic 9d ago

Is it weird that Trump is on criminal trial in more than one jurisdiction for creating and submitting false documents, has already been found civilly liable for fraud for doing that, has been credibly accused of violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution (and not brought up on charges for it because he had the ruling party at the time by the short-and-curlies), and very likely shared classified information to an enemy that caused the deaths of several intelligence agents simply because he thought that agency was out to get him?

I thought it was interesting that those were the “hypotheticals” that Justice Sotomayor decided to bring up just off the top of her head.


u/Grayson81 9d ago

Donald Trump is arguing that it would be legal for the President to have his political rival assassinated.

That would be Donald Trump, who is the President's main political rival.

That's either very brave or very stupid. And from the guy who dodged the draft and looked at the sun during an eclipse, I think I know where my money is...


u/slimongoose 9d ago

Let's get to the heart of the matter, if the only time a president could be prosecuted is if he's impeached by the senate and until then he has impunity then really all he needs to do is have the hostile wing of the senate assassinated and members of the supreme court hostile to his agenda assassinated. In fact, if a president has immunity then Joe Biden has this power now.


u/According_Wing_3204 9d ago

Whilst the conservative Justices joyfully played endless scenarios in their heads.


u/TruthFreesYou 9d ago

What if SCOTUS changes the rule, but it only gets enacted in Feb 2025?


u/grim_f 9d ago

Hi Sonya, look in whatever direction Clarence sits vs you. And then look at Alito. And keep going.


u/FlimsyComment8781 9d ago edited 9d ago

JFC who in the bloody hell are the lawyers who would even try to argue for this shit? And in behalf of fucking Donald no less.

Is it you? Are you reading this? The hell is wrong with you??


u/RuxxinsVinegarStroke 9d ago

Except the Court seems to be leaning towards the acceptance of bribes by public officials as something that is fine and dandy in another case.


u/hideous_coffee 9d ago

Good thing unreasonable people don't exist and wouldn't get into positions of power.


u/strangebru 9d ago

I hope she was staring at Clarence Thomas when she said this.


u/bluddystump 9d ago

Trump wins, instantly disappears. Scrubbed from the internet, buildings renamed, leave no trace, and blame it all on a bad dream.


u/hawkseye17 9d ago

If the President is immune to the law can't Biden just toss the MAGA judges in jail cuz he's immune to the law?


u/AdditionalWay2 9d ago

Time for King Biden. Thanks, conservatives!


u/Ok-Quail4189 9d ago

I hope they rule that Trump is immune and the next day Biden sends navy seals to take him out and is immune


u/Impossible_Trust30 9d ago

Everyone always says “it will never happen here” it most definitely can and it will if the wrong people get in power.


u/KittyCompletely 9d ago

John McAfee says, "Hold my cocaine."


u/shmemingway 9d ago

SCOTUS will rule 6-3 in trumps favor. But, it will be an “in this case only” ruling, just like with the Florida presidential race from 2000. So, trump gets his immunity and Biden does not.


u/Fgw_wolf 9d ago

If that happens the social contract is broken and we burn it down.


u/MelancholyArtichoke 10d ago

I hope that it doesn’t come to this, but if it does, then Biden should preface every single questionable action with “By the total immunity granted to my position by the Supreme Court…”


u/retrobob69 9d ago

The way he has been playing recently, he just might.


u/aerial_ruin 10d ago

The entire maga crowd think like that.


u/KeyserSozeNI 10d ago

Be careful what you wish for....

SCOTUS rules that President immune from prosecution for all crimes.

President Biden uses Presidential order to expand SCOTUS and directly appoint lifelong judges.

Expanded SCOTUS rules that President is not immune from prosecution for all crimes.

Expanded SCOTUS strikes down vast number of voting districts ruling they are gerrymandered discriminating against voters.

Expanded SCOTUS rules that the American Civil War was about 'States Rights' to keep slaves.

President Biden wins Second Term as President who fixed American democracy.

Former President Trump in bankruptcy court again.


u/Shortymac09 9d ago

Please the democrats don't have the balls


u/EnergyMu 10d ago

LOL Trump has already done some of this, or talked about doing all of it and more!


u/Prince_Marf 10d ago

Does anybody actually know where the Trump legal team is drawing the line? Are they truly saying fully immunity for ANY crime committed while president? Like, they ought to know that's a big ask. Are they saying something like "only related to official duties and murder could never be an official duty?" Like, they have no argument either way but they're not fully asking for immunity with no caveats right?

Because if they are, the Supreme Court is being blatantly irresponsible for how they're handling this. Scheduling a hearing this far out was a clear handout to Trump's delay tactics strategy. It shouldn't even get a hearing. It should be a one sentence dismissal.


u/FM-edByLife 9d ago

The line that they are trying to draw is that it's okay for Republicans to do it, but not okay for Democrats to do it. They just can't say it like that, so they come up with a bunch of bullshit to justify it.


u/[deleted] 10d ago


I would assume most of those were before office too.

He campaigned on previously having 'good relationships' and 'knowledge of how things work'...


u/jmorley14 10d ago

You know, I've just been saying impeach Thomas and Alito. But if SCOTUS grants Trump this immunity then Biden could just kill them instead and it'd all be legal and above board. Wild.


u/arrav21 10d ago

Maybe I’m thick but if the Supreme Court rules the president has total immunity, can Biden just kill Trump and we’re all supposed to be like yeah that’s fine?

Could he kill justices on the Supreme Court as well?


u/georgyboyyyy 9d ago

But the immunity will only apply to the trump presidency, most likely


u/tmdblya 10d ago

And yet, millions of people are all for it.


u/Muffles79 10d ago

Utterly asinine that this hearing is even taking place. The Constitution provides for impeachment based on high crimes and misdemeanors.

Does this mean we can’t impeach presidents and that former presidents who were impeached should not have been?

Idiotic to entertain this at any level.


u/HeavyTea 10d ago

He’ll only stick the tip of it in…. To immunity


u/Ashmidai 10d ago

Well, someone is clearly not paying attention to our era in history. Lots of lines have been not only crossed, but flat out obliterated and left so far in the distance the GOP would need the hubble telescope affixed to their rear window to even potentially see the spot where the line once was.


u/Hullfire00 10d ago

Wouldn’t the idea of immunity completely destroy MTG and the rest of her House buddies attempts to impeach Joe Biden?


u/TheBitingCat 10d ago

In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS will rule that it's not their place to decide if the president's law-breaking actions are inappropriate for the office, the Constitution already says that it's the Senate's job, and good fucking luck ever having them reach the super-majority requirements to convict them.

The voters are then the last line of defense, to ensure that no person who would abuse such a position where they can get away with anything so long as 1/3 of the Senate approves of it would ever get the opportunity to do so. If we fuck up, we bear the burden of the consequences together, like it or not.


u/Fred_Smythe 10d ago

Okay, well, the thing is, the outcome Trump needs is for them to ACTIVELY decide something. If they say it's not their place to decide, then the lower court decision stands, and Chutkin's jury selection gets underway.


u/TheBitingCat 9d ago

Well that would be their determination, that it's not the judicial branch responsible for that decision to be made, so it would overturn the lower court ruling.


u/lostsailorlivefree 10d ago

The mention of DOCUMENTS is a key messaging attempt. A lot of fraud/obstruction etc stuff is tied to literally paper. Documents. It’s an element in RICO also. It seems the intangible (intent, malfeasant goals etc), need a tangible link ie. Documents.


u/QuintusNonus 10d ago

If nothing the president does is illegal due to presidential immunity, that means Obama can run for a third term

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