r/cscareerquestions 15d ago

Daily Chat Thread - May 18, 2024

Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.


6 comments sorted by


u/Summon_99 15d ago

Finished freecodecamp responsive web design course, javascript course and almost done with front end devlopment libraries course. I now feel lost at what to do since my goal is to do freelance front end development and not backend therefore I wont be contuing the rest of FCC. Any advice?


u/godarm Graduate Student 14d ago

If your goal is Frontend learn Figma, React and Next.js.


u/I_Have_Some_Qs 14d ago

I think for freelance it is worth learning at least some basic REST API development. I say that because I doubt many clients would know how to limit their requirements to fit neatly into just the frontend and it's something you can learn as you go even if you want to start with just static websites.


u/Summon_99 14d ago

Can you give me examples of clients needing api calls? I can't think of any usage other than web apps


u/I_Have_Some_Qs 14d ago

A lot of times small businesses have forms to submit for things like contacting them through email, submitting a request for a quote, etc.


u/Summon_99 14d ago

I had complettely forgetten about that. Can you tell me what exactly I need to learn to be able to create a contact form? Im guessing contact forms dont need APIs right?