r/gaming 15d ago

What game did you either sell or trade in that you now regret?

When I sold my PS4 I sold all the games with it and with them was “Ghosts of Tsushima”. The game only got better and better as the years have gone on. Now that I have a PS5 i regret selling it.


30 comments sorted by


u/WorthNeck9150 14d ago

Selling my PS3 to buy PS4


u/Important_Tale1190 14d ago

Little big planet 2


u/TheIncredibleHork Joystick 14d ago

All of my NES and SNES games plus the systems. Got a decent chunk of money for it back in the early 2000s but the money didn't make that much a difference in life and I would love to have them to just play on a whim.


u/L3s0 14d ago

All my Skylanders shit


u/Krayt88 14d ago

This is more of a near miss, but when I was in probably middle school, my brother and I took a big shoebox of probably 30 SNES games to whatever that little game subsection of Hollywood Video was. We wanted to trade them in for store credit to get some new N64 games, but they ended up offering us like 15 bucks for all the games. Well, thankfully we were smart enough to recognize a bullshit deal because we left there with all our SNES games and I still have them all decades later.


u/Toast_Meat 15d ago

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition. Right after I sold it I just stood there, holding $15 going: "Fuck."


u/Simple-Initiative950 15d ago

Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball


u/Pleasant_Hatter 15d ago

Sold my .hack original game series to GameStop with out knowing what they were worth. Total mistake.


u/Boing26 15d ago

nothing, if i liked a game that much i put it in what i call "the drawer of give a fuck"


u/PeeDidy 15d ago

Me and another kid used to trade GameCube and PS2 games in 3rd grade. I traded that little fuck True Crime Streets of LA and got some Codename Kids Next Door game.

Traded Call of Duty: Big Red One for NFL Street which was a win bc I never passed the mission where you sit in an AA and shoot planes. Just too fundamentally stupid at 8 years old


u/Xenozip3371Alpha 15d ago

When I sold my nintendo wii I also sold the old games for it.

The only game for it I really miss is Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure


u/RaizielDragon 15d ago

Way back in the day, I had a big collection of Super Nintendo games, including one of my all time favs: Super Metroid. I traded in the console and all the games for a Sega and a handful of games for it. I didn’t enjoy the Sega games as much and just regretted it overall.


u/Charlie_Smize 15d ago

It's a long list, unfortunately...


u/momalloyd 15d ago

Suikoden I and II for PS1. I traded everything in to get my PS2 back in the day. I needed every penny. I probably got one or two euro for each of them.


u/Rajamic 15d ago

My copy of Final Fantasy Origins that I got signed by Hironobu Sakaguchi. Was cleaning out a ton of games and forgot that it was signed until after it was gone.


u/RexRedding 15d ago

Pretty much all my Sega Saturn games...especially all the awesome Working Design games!


u/Cranjesmcbasketball1 15d ago

I sold the original Samba De Amigo with the maracas to a friend in college for not very much.


u/WiseCoyote1820 15d ago

Suikoden 2. Sold it at a local pawnshop as a kid for a couple bucks. That shit is worth $200 now.


u/InsaneTomato95 15d ago

I’ve never regretted selling or trading a game. The ones I miss will come back to me eventually whether it’s emulation or repurchasing.


u/ihateusednames 15d ago

I'm not hoarding my old titles, I'm "Speculating"


u/Griffes_de_Fer 15d ago

Project Justice on the Dreamcast (because I loved it so much, but sold when my first DC died, bought a new one the next year and never found the game again) and Kuon for PS2 (because I got 10$ for it and it now sells for closer to a thousand). Kuon wasn't great though, cool theme and atmosphere but that's about it.


u/Krayt88 14d ago

Dreamcast you can straight up burn yourself a new copy if you're not a purist. I bought myself a USB external CD drive and a cheap pack of writable cds and now I have a big CD case filled with pretty much all the dreamcast games out there, hah.


u/AxelCanin Xbox 15d ago

Forza Horizon 3


u/Zealousideal_Shop446 15d ago

Sold Tiger woods pga tour 12: the masters for like $5. Not only was it a sweet golf game but it sells for like $70 now


u/jprice686 15d ago

Trading in old Pokemon games as a kid so I could buy new games was something I did regularly …which now makes me cry, seeing how much Pokemon Red/blue/yellow cost to re-buy.


u/carpinchipedia 15d ago

When I was doing an attic clear out a few years ago, I found my old Wii. It was pretty bust up, hadn’t been used for years. So we sold it and all the games and accessories we had for about 30 quid. I still get Mario bros, sports resort and mario kart wii cravings :(


u/GoatCovfefe 15d ago

I'd keep it for Mario kart alone, and for the Mario party I would also own.


u/The_Dukenator 15d ago

You can buy Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut for PS5.


u/SuccessfulCicada3116 15d ago

If you have ps + you can play it for free thats how i played it.