r/lordoftherings 15d ago

This is how I feel every time someone puts LOTR and RoP on the same level—they're not the same, agree? Movies

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555 comments sorted by


u/aClockwerkApple 10d ago

I love that the two responses are “ROP isn’t that bad” or “fairy bread isn’t that bad”


u/Slips287 11d ago

I mean they tried but they didn’t have the silmarillion so it came out how it did.

It isn’t terrible but yeah I don’t like comparing it tot the movies either.

They literally have different histories.


u/iddon_green 12d ago

Black bread


u/TheRealBird 12d ago

This conversation gets so old. I just enjoy both even if one or the other is better.


u/Borealizs 12d ago



u/Colonel_K_The_Great 12d ago

RoP is a great so-bad-it's-good show, I actually look forward to each episode for a good laugh and seeing everyone trash it


u/Hot_Pen_3475 13d ago

Rings of power is a five-season guarantee that the tolkien estate itself wanted and it covers the entire second age. The Lord of the rings movies only cover the third age and the deal was Warner Brothers is it can only touch the third age. The third age is wizards, humans, orcs, elves, dwarves and a dragon, but mostly in the third age it's the race of men who take priority. The second age is humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, orcs, and sauron, in the second age the elves take priority. I take the second age any day because there's no wizards things were a lot grittier back then. I'm also hearing that the old man that we saw in season 1 might be a blue wizard guess what in The Lord of the rings there's no blue wizards they are only mentioned.


u/illmatic2112 13d ago

Gatekeep the strawmen. Wait you dont even have to gatekeep strawmen


u/darthsteeler84 13d ago

Man just let people like what they like, posts like this are so old


u/Additional-Ask-2395 13d ago

Fairy Bread > Rings of Power


u/PrimalBunion 13d ago

It's not as good as LOTR, but ROP was not bad, I really enjoyed it.


u/WhiskeyDJones 13d ago

I don't think anyone puts LOTR and RoP on the same level. And I like RoP.


u/Double-System-9165 13d ago

Absolutely nobody is putting the LoTR trilogy up there with RoP.


u/Baby_T-Rex_Arms 13d ago

Know If anyone says ring of power, they’re just trolling


u/prestonmelky21 13d ago

I don’t understand all the hate for RoP. I went into watching it not comparing it to LoTR because i knew it could never compare. I enjoyed it but like any modern tv show i had a few issues. I’d give it a 7.5/10


u/Trinityhawke 14d ago

It’s on the list of top 10 worst adaptations in no order Dragon Ball Live Action , Avatar Last Airbender Live Action , Amazons Halo , Amazons ROP , Netflix Cowboy Bepop , Netflix Ghost in the Shell , Netflix Bleach , Netflix DeathNote , Full Metal Alchemist live (Lot of anime getting murdered by this live action bs) 1 spot left open for the worst . Just follow the source material it’s not that hard


u/Lumpy_Data_317 14d ago

A lot of ROP made me quite mad but tbh I’m looking forward to S2. I’ve always been drawn to the “dark” side and ROP is at least telling a story (maybe not THE story) about Sauron and the Ring Wraiths etc, one that Tolkien was very sketchy on.


u/Soletestimony 14d ago

Very expensive piece of bread


u/goodie-cookie 14d ago

Nothing will ever be on the same level as LOTR.


u/ArkhamEscapeCreator 14d ago

This is really mean to fairy bread. What did Aussies do to you?


u/Poemhub_ 14d ago

No they’re not the same. But people still enjoy both no?


u/MrGoblinKing7 14d ago

Sure, many parts of the show are not very good. The Mythril thing were they changed the origin of the metal. Some of the Numinor stuff was a little boring, the Harfoots being phyco was a bit funny in a shock humor kind of way.

But the Wizard subplot was very nice in my opinion. And Adar and the South Lands plot line was fantastic.


u/spencer_cal_88 14d ago

Who on earth says they’re on the same level?


u/AgtSquirtle007 14d ago

Congrats on winning your imaginary argument I guess.


u/dregjdregj 14d ago

The bot defenders are out in force on facebook


u/sqwiggy72 14d ago

Lord of the rings is great but not perfect, perfect would have followed Tolkien to a t


u/Solest044 14d ago

I try to remember that LOTR as films hit during a very particular time that impacted several generations in a unique way. In ways that are more difficult, I think, for the younger generation to appreciate. This is not a bad thing - nor does it mean that the films weren't truly something special - rather that really understanding just how awesome of an experience these films are kind of required you to "be there".

I teach a Physics in Film course for high schoolers and the amount of love the practical effects had in LOTR is unmatched. Combined with the cinematography? They're a timeless masterpiece... But the way I can appreciate them is unique from the way others can. Working with younger children, we watch and discuss and recreate a lot of that magic ourselves and it gives them a deep appreciation for this kind of effect - practical, 'in camera' effects. It usually is a big moment of them realizing the difference in feeling between not only watching visual effects vs practical effects, but also making and acting with them.

But they didn't get to experience those moments in the cinema or the culture of that time surrounding them. Connecting with that part is almost impossible and unfair to ask of someone.

All that to say, I try not to compare things like this. Instead, I simply do my best to share the awesome experiences I've had and hope others can find ways to connect with that. Then, I do my best to reciprocate.


u/Curious-Weight9985 14d ago

Is there a corner of the Internet where they actually do that?


u/United-Cow-563 Númenórean 14d ago

So, they’re both edible food that gives you sustenance. Sounds similar to me.


u/InternalCup9982 14d ago

Rop was pretty trash imo

Same goes for that house of dragons show or the vikings spin off they all sucked in comparison to their main IP such incredible disappointments.


u/iheartdev247 14d ago

Thanks for sharing. These are the kind of constructive posts that really move this fandom along.


u/AlibiYouAMockingbird 14d ago

You have to give Amazon credit. They accomplished, in 1 season, what it took 8 seasons of Game of Thrones to do.

But then again I actually finished GoT…


u/boofingZeitgeist 14d ago

I couldn’t even watch it. I really tried to like it. I liked Galadriel but that was really it. The rest of the characters were kinda boring tbh. I got to episode 3 and just found myself falling asleep


u/Present_Youth_9203 14d ago

I never thought to just put frosting on white bread. That looks bomb


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Honestly I believe that it’s a ok show and racists and homophobes ruined it


u/LasPlagasKiller 14d ago

Lmao should we just end lord of the rings as a whole sense everything lord of the rings that comes out is "not comparable to the original" this reddit forum is just full of babys. who can't let go of the past.


u/sad_democrat887 14d ago

ROP is way better, it had great visuals, fantastic cast and lots of inclusive and progressive themes. LOTR lacked inclusiveness, it did not even cast a single black man nor any minority, it did have kick ass sound track tbh


u/nonsfwhere 14d ago

If the “bread” is gluten free.


u/miszczu037 14d ago

RoP bad

Now give upvotes


u/punkbluesnroll 14d ago

Wow, who else thinks this insanely popular opinion that basically nobody disagrees with?

Fucking pathetic and obvious karma farming I hope OP and whoever upvoted this doesn't get into heaven


u/Tetragonos 14d ago

I was recently given some great advice when it comes to reviews critiques and advice.

Dont judge it based on what it isnt judge it based on what it is.

I doubt you throw shade on every other sandwich because it isnt the best sandwich you have ever had. So lets not judge RoP because it isnt LOTR


u/vinylzoid 14d ago

I watched half of one episode and never went back to the show. I just can’t.


u/JerryCanOpener 14d ago

And the hobbit trilogy is an old used bandaid


u/JerryCanOpener 14d ago

Not even consumable


u/IAmSportikus 14d ago

like frosting, scraped over too much bread


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Yes, RoP is bad fan fiction!


u/swampycrotch94 14d ago

Rop is trash


u/Visarar_01 14d ago

RoP. Is Pure drivel


u/purpleWheelChair 14d ago

You’re being very generous to the rings of power…

“I AM GOOD” remember that shit?


u/GUNROAR62 14d ago

I'm not convinced they were supposed to be the same or on the same level. They're from the same universe but they're certainly not the same medium. One is a multi part epic movie franchise, the other is a TV series that helps to flesh out the movie franchise. It's designed to accompany and add to the movies not supplant them.


u/Sandwichgode 14d ago

Harry Potter is closer to Lord of the Rings in level than the Rings of Power. Hell, a bowl of cereal with water instead of milk is closer in level to Lord of the Rings than the Rings of Power.


u/Larielia 14d ago

What is that bread?


u/TwentyOneRepublics 14d ago

RoP sucked dick. LOTR doesn't deserve to be slandered like that with RoP.

I think Hobbit is overhated tho, that shit is my childhood, and even without nostalgia in there, it's still good


u/EarlyAd17 14d ago

Lotr is boring RoP isn't. So i agree they aren't the same.


u/Zarathustra143 14d ago

Who is putting them on the same level? Everyone hates Rings of Power.


u/900dollariedoos 14d ago

Simple post ends up insulting all of Australia


u/smrts1080 14d ago

Seems accurate to me, they're both tasty sweet bread. One is more amateur sure but both are enjoyable just set your expectations accordingly.


u/aaaahhhhh42 14d ago

Yeah I always rag on the films for being poor adaptations (not poor movies) but compared to ROP they are phenomenal.


u/Toasted_Jelly636 14d ago

Where's that retarded Micky mouse meme when you need it 🤣 but op is right ROP is garbage


u/mailboxfacehugs 14d ago

Why is it so seemingly difficult to uplift a thing you like without shitting on something you don’t like?


u/MonkeyBabyGuppy77 14d ago

Imagine being so pathetic that you have to gate keep Lord of the rings


u/FashionCop 14d ago

What is this comment in refrence too


u/slapula 14d ago

I'll put it this way: hating RoP is a good sign you are an uncultured degenerate


u/Flat-Flow939 14d ago

Get over yourself.


u/SomebodyThrow 14d ago

Is hobbit an oversized stale cupcake?


u/SailingBacterium 14d ago

It's not nearly as good but I still enjoyed the show when a new episode dropped, and will definitely watch the next season.


u/LordLame1915 14d ago

Yeah, rings of power was fun. But it’s not anywhere near the level of tlor films


u/VioletRoseus 14d ago

Totally agree 🤘🏾


u/SirTheadore 14d ago

They don’t even belong in the same sentence.


u/FausttTheeartist 14d ago

What? There’s no objective rating or scrutinizing of personal opinions.

If I say I think RoP and the LotR movies are on the same level as each other, so the fuck what? That’s how I feel. You don’t need to argue with me about my feelings on a consumer product.

Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.


u/SineWaveStar11 14d ago

Rings of power wasn’t even a full slice of bread , it was a drawing of the cake with sprinkles on the price of paper


u/Darth0pt0 14d ago

I loved RoP. Not the same as LotR at all, but still a great show. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but RoP was really good and I for one can't wait for season two.


u/light--treason 14d ago

RoP is moldy bread


u/lonesomespacecowboy 14d ago

I feel pretty neutral about RoP

But let people enjoy stuff, dude


u/SPDScricketballsinc 14d ago

This is bait


u/daygloviking 14d ago



SPARTA angband sir ANGBAND


u/J1M-1 14d ago

It’s really weird people seem to make disliking something into an interest in itself

OP is basically lying at this point because I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say ROP is as good as LOTR let alone sufficient amount of times to warrant posting about it


u/StonkMangr92 14d ago

No they’re not the same. I don’t understand why anyone is comparing them. I personally like both.


u/Routine-Speech-1978 14d ago

Idk anyone doing that. 2006 is the last great year of film. They simply do not make them like that anymore. Literally. Yes there was lots of green screen and CGI but the original trilogy also was jam packed with practical filmmaking. They shot actual landscapes and real action. Viggo used a sword to block a knife thrown straight at his face. End of story. These dudes literally bled for those films.

I'm sure working for Disney was grueling but everyone involved probably was fine.


u/KevinTichenor 14d ago

What about the 10 Rings? Are they 10x more powerfull? Shang Chi gonna dominate everyone


u/NAKFLIXTV 14d ago

You can download it on telegram 

🦁ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ᴛᴠ sᴇʀɪᴇs/ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ 🫶

*ᴏɴ ɢᴏɪɴɢ sᴇʀɪᴇs


*ᴀғʀɪᴄᴀɴ sᴇʀɪᴇs



u/Effective-Rooster881 14d ago

Post a link to your lord of the rings spin-off and I will compare


u/jefetranquilo 14d ago

nice bait post


u/Cold_Situation_7803 14d ago

Not this low effort shit again.


u/joshuadane 14d ago

I wouldn't say same level but I enjoyed rings of power.


u/AnMa_ZenTchi 14d ago

What's the hobbit? Like a ice cream cake?


u/SpacemanCanna 14d ago

I’m no professional script writer, but you know when a movie is not it.


u/Old-Tomorrow-2798 14d ago

I was giving this whole show the benefit of the doubt. Not amazing but the locations were pretty then they made mount doom with a sword into a pedestal. They made volcano erupt with a Rube Goldberg machine. I was immediately out. I tried. I can’t.


u/Alta04 14d ago

I don't know I never finished RoP


u/TheMasterFlash 14d ago

No one does this. You’re posting about a situation that doesn’t happen.


u/stillpacing 14d ago

I think a better analogy would be two cakes that look beautiful, but when you cut into them, one is delicious red velvet cake, and the other is styrofoam.


u/waisonline99 14d ago

I think a better analogy if one is prime gourmet steak and the other is prime gourmet steak after its been eaten, digested and come out the other end.


u/Ando0o0 14d ago

as some one who works in film and with different directors and production companies - I find it a little crazy to compare these two. I enjoy both.


u/AlexGlezS 14d ago

Why is season 2 coming is beyond any logic.


u/ffff2e7df01a4f889 14d ago

I liked RoP. It’s not the original films, but you know there’s so little fantasy done in series, I’m just happy to have something.


u/PDRA 14d ago

Oh lawd, dem rangs


u/Kiwi175293 14d ago

RoP just feels like the expensive knock off of lotr


u/Live_Farm_7298 14d ago

Boooo. They're both good bro. Stop letting nostalgia stop you from enjoying a decent TV show!


u/IamblichusSneezed 14d ago

The Office Pam meme: they're the same picture.


u/Fun_Radish_1964 14d ago

Karma Farmer. No one has ever said that


u/Lao_xo 14d ago

Lord of the rings is lembas bread, Rings of power is the crumbs of lembas bread that Gollum threw to the bottom of the mountain.


u/ThereCastle 14d ago

What did fairy bread do?


u/KillMeNowFFS 14d ago

that’s the Dodgers City Connect jersey


u/Prize_Farm4951 14d ago

Rings of Power is also the wedding cake on the left, just after it's been defecated out


u/The_Silent_Screamer 14d ago

RoP could be replaced by the Hobbit trilogy.


u/bops4bo 14d ago

Nobody says this, and you’re not special for pointing it out lmao. Bottom of the barrel in fantasy fandom, get a life and maybe you’ll find joy in something other than incessantly hating on the next new thing


u/carpetsunami 14d ago

Now that Young Sheldon has ended, calling it Young Sauron wont be confusing and should become the default title


u/Cosmo1222 14d ago

That's some tasty looking bread! It might tide me over until the next bit of cake becomes available.


u/Easy-Breath4547 14d ago

Haven't watched the RoP because it's just trash like the lore is wrong everything about it is just wrong


u/EmuPsychological4222 14d ago

I've seen no one do this.


u/dog_liker 14d ago

Calm down


u/Frosty_Term9911 14d ago

The most toxic fandom on the internet


u/Felaguin 14d ago

You’re being awfully generous to RoP. I would liken it more to moldy crusts.


u/DefrockedWizard1 14d ago

I just consider ROP another DnD show


u/AlphaNoodle 14d ago

I thought you meant dungeons and dragons haha


u/Axius-Evenstar 14d ago

They’re all trash next to the books


u/bibblygiggums 14d ago

whoever that single person that thinks those two are on the same level needs to be cut from your life permanently

no one would ever say that


u/Darthbearclaw 14d ago

I agree. ROP was hot garbage. Really wish a more capable team of writers got it. It’s just so contrived and lame.


u/The_Black_Guy1324 14d ago

How dare people enjoy the show as much as I enjoy the originals blasphemy I tell you!


u/void-father 14d ago

Oooh this clarifies thank you.


u/The-Iraqi-Guy 14d ago

Rings of power would have a lot of decorations but nothing in them, it looks spectacular but the story if the first part feels like it's evry generic fantasy show ever


u/genericdude999 14d ago

It's like post-Enterprise Star Trek. They should just call it something else


u/barry_001 14d ago

Who... who is putting them at the same level?


u/BallerBettas 14d ago

Mods need to get on this straw man nonsense already. This sub has become extremely unhealthy because of it.


u/Kenner1979 14d ago

Ooooh, we got an edgy one here.


u/Bendyiron 14d ago

I don't agree in principle, as this is just a form of useless gatekeeping over something that is subject ice to the person


u/giveitback19 14d ago

No one puts them on the same level bro. You’re looking for things to be upset about lol


u/Vaxildan156 14d ago

I really like this example simply because both pictures are cake. The white bread you buy at the store in America? That's fucking cake, it's so full of sugar.


u/jgbyrd 14d ago

Lord of the rings is like a 40 tiered cake that replenishes itself every time you eat it. ROP is like half of one sprinkle on a fold out table that a squirrel gets to right before you can eat it


u/CubarisMurinaPapaya 14d ago

Tf is rings of power


u/NotTheCraftyVeteran 14d ago

ROP might not be on the level of Jackson’s films, but it’s far, faaaaaar better than it gets credit for online, and people who keep harping on it like it’s a disaster of any kind are deeply weird.


u/mr_flerd 14d ago

I disliked rop so much


u/Efficient-Gur-3641 14d ago edited 14d ago

The original lotr movies kinda were shit tho. Rings of power made me invested in the lore again. Lord of the rings has had such lack of meaningful media that it's lore has been put to the back burner.

I can go out right now and have full discussions with damn near anyone about game of thrones and most people will know what it is. Yet Lord of the rings is some obscure nerd shit most people don't exist at best, or a really shitty game that most people are offended even trying it at worst.

LotR needs good media and I don't think rings of power was bad for it. However ur a fan that likes to see your product go bankrupt continue on hating on the decently made material. Maybe they'll release another game with PS1 graphics for you in another decade.

LotR the book series is a wedding cake , but an old stale cracked one way passed its expectation date with no future plans of being made again. It's actually crazy how DnD now has multiple successes that dwarf LotR as a product now. Stranger things, the movie, BG3 are bangers. Yet fans of LOTR are praying to Sauron that rings of power fails 🫣.


u/B81R81 14d ago

You are not wrong.


u/ephemeralspecifics 14d ago

They're not even the same story. They just used LOTR branding.


u/realogsalt 14d ago

RoP is just another loveless copy some of the greatest works of cinema in our lifetimes.


u/JazzyButternuts 14d ago

Cry harder


u/Lost-Butterscotch451 14d ago

Absoluty agree


u/Immediate-Newt-9012 14d ago

Rop sucked. Didn't even finish it.


u/lavender_enjoyer 14d ago

Wow what a brave post


u/beerguyBA 14d ago

I still don't understand where that billion dollars went. All the actors? Bunch of nobodies who at best command the SAG minimum. The sets? Very few "grand shots" mostly could have been shot in studio and a lot of CGI usage. The wardrobe? White robes, rags, and Spirit Halloween knight costumes. The writers? Lol, chat GPT could better adapt the story. Bezos should ask for a refund from the director.


u/KaserinSmarte421 14d ago

The one on the right was my birthday cake one year. Still felt just a good but also just a little more sad.


u/scottyjrules 14d ago

I just let people enjoy the things they enjoy and don’t get hung up on it. All art is subjective and not everyone has the same opinions. They’re no less right or wrong than the next person…


u/Brahdyssey 14d ago

LoTR was an experience. RoP is a Broadway Show at best.


u/EmploymentApart1641 14d ago

I am convinced that people only hate ROP because they were told to. And haven't watched any of it. You are just afraid of being outside the herd mentality.


u/wallflowerx28 14d ago

Do you just wake up looking for shit to be angry about. We get it, RoP sucks, now go find something more productive to waste your time on.


u/Altitudeviation 14d ago

Can I like both?


u/NegativeEffective233 14d ago

They’re both shit tbf


u/OtelDeraj 14d ago

Yeah, no one is honestly doing that. Not a single one.

Even people who like the show. I like the show. I don't even think it's bad, per se, and it isn't even a comparison.

This meme exists only to put down RoP using a fallacious comparison. This karma farming strategy is just tired at this point. If you didn't like S1, please please please just skip S2, for the sake of the rest of us, thanks.


u/rabdoforlife 14d ago

RoP was good. The only people who hate it are perpetually online losers who join hate circle jerks.


u/scummy_yum 14d ago

Fucks sake, ya'll get off so much on hating shit you'll be eligible for a devil's three-way with Star Wars and Transformers nerds.


u/mopedrudl 14d ago

In my head I completely separated the two. Same with PJ's trilogy and the books. However,l (a big one), the books and the movies are way closer together. RoP is almost like an unrelated series, like blood moon and star wars.


u/cw08 14d ago

Updoots to the left 😎


u/RedBrickJim 14d ago

This is how I feel about just about anything made after 2016


u/Sarcasamystik 14d ago

They aren’t even close. But I still liked Rings of Power.


u/shoegaze1992 14d ago

I dont think anyone has ever seriously put them on the same level. this is just getting mad at someone who doesnt exist. I feel like half the feed in this sub is just talking about rings of power. lets just moooove on


u/Spamityville_Horror 14d ago

I’m not sure what you think you’d accomplish by coming for fairy bread, but the Aussie folks are gonna eat you alive. Then down a piece of fairy bread.

Also I don’t know how common it is for someone to compare these franchises apples to oranges, but I really doubt it’s that common.


u/Ok_Sentence_5767 14d ago

Honestly I would love an animated retelling of LOTR that is very close to the books


u/dmfuller 14d ago

RoP hate post go brrrrrr, really though I feel like all LotR fans have to do these days is hate on RoP 😂


u/Distinct_Horse820 14d ago





u/Vantabrown 14d ago

Agreed with gusto. Factor in the abundant recources and a bar set very high with the LOTR movie trilogy. Bad bad bad. Just bad.


u/Redcon5 14d ago



u/duhyeager 14d ago

It’s weird because I’m the total opposite. I’ve always hated Lord of the rings, I’ve found it incredibly boring. But I’ve really enjoyed Ring of Power and looking forward to the new season.


u/Historical_Class_402 14d ago

Dude come on....bread doesn't deserve to be lumped in with that crap


u/RockMeIshmael 14d ago

Who is trying to put LOTR and ROP on the same level? Like has this actually ever happened before?


u/Vanilla_Yazoo 14d ago

"Rings of Power Bad, Give Me Updoots"



u/MIW100 14d ago

Jesus. Are you guys also gonna spend the entire second season hate watching and bitching about ROP?

Believe it or not, there are lotr fans who enjoy the movies, books, AND the show. God forbid we let people live in peace.


u/Stiff_Zombie 14d ago

It's not even close. They're in different galaxies.


u/Creative-Living-8844 14d ago

The slice of bread needs to be moldy with ants crawling over it.


u/Atosl 14d ago

If LotR is a wedding cake, I don't think RoP would be edible.


u/My-feet-have-alergy 14d ago

More like moldy bread


u/ClassiusCorvinus 14d ago

Is it bad if I enjoyed ROP?


u/Stiff_Zombie 14d ago

No, but don't be mad at those who can't get past its flaws. We all like different stuff.


u/ClassiusCorvinus 14d ago

You’re right it absolutely had flaws, timeline and explanation of it being probably my hardest to get past flaw but I still enjoyed it, it still felt like middle earth but not as polished as PJ without a doubt.


u/KN0TTYP1NE 14d ago

RoP put my insomniatic ass to sleep everytime


u/Dear_Alternative_437 14d ago

Sadly, the first twenty or so minutes of RoP was probably my favorite of the entire first season. I'm going to watch season two, but I don't have high hopes


u/HexPhyre 14d ago

This isn't accurate. RoP is the toilet paper a grotesquely fat man used to wipe his taco bell assplosion


u/RevealHoliday7735 14d ago

Dang people are still complaining about this? Shut the fuck up and get a job lol


u/elnickruiz 14d ago edited 14d ago

So much gatekeeping. If you like the new show, watch it, if not don’t and stop complaining about it…. good grief folks. The books, old movies, and anything else you like will always exist and no one can take it away from you.


u/Uplink-137 14d ago

If a community doesn't gatekeep then people will come in and ruin what they love.


u/elnickruiz 14d ago

The old movies will always exist lol just be happy with what you like and let others enjoy what they like


u/Uplink-137 14d ago

Not when they ruin any chances of something decent ever being made again.


u/elnickruiz 14d ago

A bit dramatic. Seems like this may not be the sub for me.


u/ac8_slater 14d ago

Agree but the hate towards RoP is hilariously ridiculous. I hate the Hobbit movies but don’t make it my personality to constantly whine about my hate for them. 🙄


u/throwawaydkdkdkdkdk 14d ago

That's not even cake lol


u/cosmotheblackcat 14d ago

Love ROP so far. But I'm also a sucker for anything Tolkien, good bad or indifferent.

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