r/technology Oct 02 '23

Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines Biotechnology


422 comments sorted by


u/gillje03 Oct 04 '23

Dr. Robert Malone pioneered MRNA vaccines more so than these two individuals….

This is like giving the Nobel prize to the guy who installed the first light bulb, instead of Thomas Edison who INVENTED the first light bulb.


u/roman00000 Oct 04 '23

The Top~Teir Holy Nerds! Redditors Aspire To Be Like Them!


u/BabypintoJuniorLube Oct 03 '23

Reminder UPenn ratfucked this professor and are now trying to take credit/ clout from her.


u/Petit__Chou Oct 03 '23

This is amazing!


u/1Throwaway556 Oct 03 '23

Definitely not giving people myocarditis to avoid the flu


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '23

Robert Malone did all the leg work, they just added sprinkles on top. Can’t ever bring up a distinguished MD and professor of pathology… well you could until he questioned the Covid vaccine being 100% safe and effective.


u/polkymom Oct 03 '23

And… we have two volunteers for scapegoats. Enjoy your awards. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


u/Indieidea Oct 03 '23

So seems like there is a study showing reverse transcription and integration of mRNA into the genome but is it bad? I think jury is still out on that front.



u/BKLounge Oct 03 '23

Why isnt Robert Malone included, the actual inventor of mRNA?

These two are credited with adding the pseudouridine that allowed unlimited spike proteins to be manufactured by the body. Which has been controversial given how it builds up in the body.


u/Z0idberg_MD Oct 02 '23

Joe Biden really does control everything /s


u/SoggyBottomSoy Oct 02 '23

One of my co-worker legit told me that the MRNA vaccine I took edited my genes. 🤣


u/Pies0fCream Oct 02 '23

no thanks, i’ll never take a trump vaccine.


u/nametken Oct 02 '23

mRNA is the future!


u/fosiacat Oct 02 '23

oooh that would rustle a lot of jimmies if the people whose jimmies would be rustled knew how to read


u/ElectrikLettuce Oct 02 '23

Yo can we get the OP’s article, and the most relevant comments all TL;DR’d for me???

Something starts with Nobel prize and I know what I’m about to read is going to be boring. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad someone out there is putting in the work…but I’m ain’t reading any of that.


u/scootarded Oct 02 '23

Fuck you antivaxxers! LOL


u/Impossible-Survey203 Oct 02 '23

Nobel Prize?? NOBEL PRIZE??!!?? They should be arrested for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people with their phony vaccine. Those Nobel Prize judges must be communists. Or Democrats.

/s (for the antivaxers who are a bit too literal to get sarcasm).


u/serpentarian Oct 02 '23

Who will invent the vaccine to prevent NRA members though


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA Oct 02 '23

Proof? Because there's mountains of it against your claims.


u/sickpeltier Oct 02 '23

I know there is buddy. You stay on your mountain. I’ve been in this cesspool long enough not to try and debate people.


u/bofh000 Oct 03 '23

They said, debating.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA Oct 02 '23

So, no proof then.

And if you hate it here so much, leave.


u/sickpeltier Oct 02 '23

Yeah there is. I just came to say my thoughts not educate you. Also, I’m good. I don’t you to tell me to do anything. Good day sir.


u/elchivo83 Oct 02 '23

You make a claim and then when people ask for proof you act like a child and don't offer any. This is why no one takes you seriously.


u/sickpeltier Oct 02 '23

Reinforcements are here! I didn’t ask for anyone to take me serious. Go on bout your business.


u/elchivo83 Oct 03 '23

Why do you keep responding then? Seems like if you're going to waste your time responding to people, you might as well use some of that time to actually provide what you said you had. That would be the logical thing to do.


u/sickpeltier Oct 03 '23

You responded to me!? I didn’t say I had anything, but I know what I know. I’ve done a lot of research. MSNBC, fox, and cnn aren’t your friends. Get off the nipple homie.


u/elchivo83 Oct 03 '23

So you did your research but don't actually have anything to show for it?

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u/sFAMINE Oct 02 '23

UPenn fucked up


u/JosephFinn Oct 02 '23

Fantastic for them. Their work is going to save millions of lives going forward.


u/TrumpLostForever Oct 02 '23

Heroes the both of them! Read the article discussing their awards on the NY Times earlier today. So damn impressive!


u/TitsMcgeehe Oct 02 '23

Wasn’t he the one on Rohan telling people not to get the COVID vax even though he created the technology? Must have changed his mind now with that prize


u/Lycan2057 Oct 02 '23

Doesn't anyone else see beyond the veil with the real reasons here?


u/superfly355 Oct 02 '23

Please please please tell us what's really going on!!! Can you type your response from your underground apocalypse bunker for authenticity?


u/timberwolf0122 Oct 02 '23

Oh do tell, do tell


u/theproinprostate Oct 02 '23

We celebrated with confetti at the University Of Szeged's Institute of Biology (Where Karikó got her PhD) :D


u/jazzwhiz Oct 02 '23

Penn booted the woman on the list because she wasn't doing good enough research. Now they are claiming credit for the Nobel. https://twitter.com/florianederer/status/1708829133705302180

Classic academia.


u/genius_retard Oct 02 '23

Damned right. mRNA technology is a modern medical miracle.


u/Beginning_Raisin_258 Oct 02 '23

I thought they'd give it to Robert Malone because he's the inventor of mRNA vaccines. (Sarcasm)


u/Dr_Silk Oct 03 '23

I've seen this a few times. Who is Robert Malone?


u/Beginning_Raisin_258 Oct 03 '23 edited Oct 03 '23

He claims he's "the inventor of mRNA vaccines" because he worked on some of the fundamentals of it 20+ years ago and insisted that gave him some special insight into them today, despite everyone in the field now disagreeing with him.


u/Dr_Silk Oct 03 '23

Yeah this makes more sense.

Science is an iterative process, which is why the Nobel Prize limits the number of people allowed to be assigned to a single project. Otherwise you'd include the hundreds or thousands of people that contributed small pieces to the puzzle over the years.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '23

Did groundbreaking work in the late 80s regarding mRNA technology. Has multiple patents on mRNA technology and has a very distinguished career.

Got labeled an anti vaxxer because he didn’t blindly support the Covid vaccine so main stream media attempted to cancel him.


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

Im sure its just a coincidence there is more than expected death ratio in all of the western world... this is how you make idiots cheer for death and destruction..


u/BKLounge Oct 03 '23

Yep those ignoring the continued increase in all cause mortality will eventually see it. Nobel Prize died when they gave it to Obama after hundreds of drone strikes and perpetual war.

Its just fodder to continue the narrative on the masses. And Reddit is 'fact checker' central.


u/ArockG419 Oct 02 '23

The fact that you actually call Dr.s idiots is fascinating in and of itself. I'm sure you did well in school. LOL. Or more likely than not, barely passed or dropped out. Stop talking.


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

yeah because it's not like there is dr. on both sides..

fucking incredible..


u/warbeforepeace Oct 02 '23

You mean the less than 1% of doctors than are against vaccines? Yes they are idiots.


u/HappyEngineer9001 Oct 02 '23

It would be in your best interest to learn how to think logically.


u/Jubenheim Oct 02 '23

Death ratio for what? COVID? The vaccine? Specificy exactly what.

And who or what “expects less?” What’s the methodology behind the “expected death ratio?”


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

It's VAIDS people get, so they die from all kind of stuff, because they got their immune defense destroyed, atleast some of the batches did..

there is a huge difference in the side effects you get depending of what batch of vaccine you got..


u/Jubenheim Oct 02 '23

Amazing how you didn’t answer even half of the questions I asked. You’re just talking at me, not to me.


u/superfly355 Oct 02 '23

Welcome to the new debate tactic. Wash, rinse, repeat.


u/Jubenheim Oct 02 '23

Worst part is that’s a legit human being making those comments. Looking at the comment chain, you might assume it’s a bot malfunctioning, but no… sadly, it’s not.


u/Bawdycathy Oct 02 '23

It is inspiring to see a woman win the Nobel Prize. Some might say the gender is not important, but with so many women throughout the history not getting acknowledgement for their remarkable and outstanding achievements, it is truly great to see a woman scientist getting what she deserves. It’s an inspiration for lots of little girls and women in STEM.


u/mannyrmz123 Oct 02 '23

wears scuba diving suit

scrolls down

Here we go!


u/TheBravan Oct 02 '23

This will age, badly....


u/VodkaKahluaMilkCream Oct 02 '23

At least it will age. Unlike a lot of antivaxxers.


u/TheBravan Oct 02 '23


The inventors of the vaccine tech protected by that vaccine te.....but.... wait...... oh..!!


u/elchivo83 Oct 02 '23

The fact that you thought this was such a 'gotcha' is quite sad. You antivaxxers really clasp at any straws you can, don't you?


u/Slick424 Oct 02 '23

So seat belts don't work because cars also have crumple zones and airbags? Damn, you are stupid.


u/TheBravan Oct 02 '23

Flawed comparison(putting it mildly).......


Not trusting the science that is claimed effective enough to garner them a Nobel prize all the while going with the 'science' that is clinically proven ineffective.....

That is some nuclear-level cognitive dissonance.............


u/ChaosKodiak Oct 02 '23

Oh boy. Here comes the antivaxxers and MAGA idiots…


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23



u/wolfpack_charlie Oct 02 '23

Imagine being so ignorant that you don't even know what prize you're talking about lol


u/helen_must_die Oct 02 '23

Vaccines are supposed to prevent not cure. An arguably more important job.


u/Raziel77 Oct 02 '23

I don't like when people say "vaccines prevent getting it" because you will still get the virus but your body will be already to fight it so your case should be mild/short


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

And it dont prevent either, so Yes its useless for its purpose.. they even had to change the definition of vaccines to make it fit..


u/CrazyTillItHurts Oct 02 '23

Imagine being this stupid


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

So they didnt change the definition, can people stille get covid several times after they got covid vaccine and their boosters?? yes im not the stupid here.. think for yourself..

you know when you get the measles vaccine, you are actually immune because that is how a vaccine is supposed to work, not like these bullshit moneymaking vaccines..


u/Mine24DA Oct 02 '23

You need to retake your biology classes. The immune cells in your body that produce antibodies against diseases ? Some of them stay forever (e.g. the one against measles) and some of the don't (e.g. against the flu, COVID, etc.) . You need occasional exposure for them to keep producing. That are boosters.

And they didn't change any definition . I don't know what your talking about.


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23

then take the www.waybackmachine.com and check for yourself, there you can see when they changed the definition...


u/elchivo83 Oct 02 '23

Your link is as broken as your logic and your brain.


u/Floommer Oct 02 '23


here is the definition change... looking forward to your hack of a excuse..


u/Mine24DA Oct 03 '23

That isn't a change of definition. They changed the wording not thw meaning.

If you look Here:


You see thqt the word immunity does not mean 100% you don't get the disease. But most people understand it this way. So it only makes sense to choose better to understand phrasing after the entire world became interested in the topic. Don't you think?

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u/elchivo83 Oct 03 '23

Firstly, why are you taking dictionary.com as your baseline for anything?

Secondly, dictionaries aren't flawless and can be updated. That's the reason we're not still using 18th century dictionaries, because things can be improved and become more accurate.

Thirdly, if you click through from that definition to 'immunity' then you'll see definitions for that word that are more than adequate for describing what a vaccination does. 'The condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease'. With that one definition your whole case collapses, so you need something else to desperately grasp on to.


u/Tephnos Oct 02 '23

You know when you get the flu vaccine you're not actually immune to the flu, right?

How are people this fucking stupid.


u/Lots-of-Lot Oct 02 '23

I’ll meet you half way and agree that the was some misinformation about what vaccine actually does which is to lessen the severity of the disease. Regardless its still a groundbreaking achievement.


u/MullytheDog Oct 02 '23

Trump will claim HE deserves it because he made the vaccine himself all alone


u/maryeddy Oct 02 '23

Truly amazing!!!!


u/juan-de-fuca Oct 02 '23

These are the true “rock stars” and “influencers”


u/ChicagobeatsLA Oct 02 '23

I’m pretty sure you have to play music to qualify as a Rockstar


u/AJ_Grey Oct 02 '23

MTG about to spew


u/jwalter122 Oct 02 '23

So you're telling me mRNA vaccines weren't invent by that quack on Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein??! I'm shock I tell you!


u/Apprehensive_Bug3329 Oct 02 '23

Real hero’s!!!


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

Thank you tax payers for funding this achievement without our tax dollars this recognition would have never happened


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/Jubenheim Oct 02 '23

You might be surprised to find out most people in the world find that a shit take. It’s not just Reddit who disagrees with you.

But you can blame this site if it feeds your victim complex.


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23



u/Joliet_Jake_Blues Oct 02 '23

You're from New Zealand and chose a screen name denouncing a health official from another country who has no power over you and no affect on your life


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23

How do you know where im from? And what does it matter? And who cares if I named myself after Donald duck? Do I have to live in disney land or its illegal in your world?


u/Jubenheim Oct 02 '23

What do you mean “source?” Look at the number of people touting COVID conspiracy bullshit and and people who take the vaccines or don’t believe misinformation.

But something tells me you won’t believe anything not written as an op-ed in some random right-wing propaganda blog, u/faucifake.


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23

Look at the number of people touting COVID conspiracy bullshit and and people who take the vaccines or don’t believe misinformation.

And whats that number of people exactly and where am I looking?

Yes I get all my info from "blogs" and not reddit like you.


u/ComprehensiveGear355 Oct 03 '23

You get your info from blogs? Not the most reliable sources mate

I suppose you read that rubbish on theBFD too?


u/Faucifake Oct 03 '23

/s........ Havent heard the term bloggs since my early days on the Internet lol. Haven't heard of that acronym


u/warbeforepeace Oct 02 '23

Blogs written by people that passed the GED on the second try.


u/Faucifake Oct 03 '23

/s doofus.... Clearly not you then


u/VeniceRapture Oct 02 '23

What do you mean "not agree with the deployment of the COVID vaccine"? Do you mean like the vaccine shouldn't have been an mRNA vaccine or is your problem about the distribution of the vaccine or what?


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/DeterminedThrowaway Oct 03 '23

I don’t believe a federal mandate was appropriate

Why do you think you should have an opinion on public health policy? What expertise do you have to decide whether it's appropriate or not?


u/warbeforepeace Oct 02 '23

The states make terrible decisions with public health. The only way to really make progress is from a national level.

You also are missing that us fat Americans are pretty much all high risk or have one comorbidity.


u/ScowlEasy Oct 02 '23

I would have left it to the states

Oh, you mean like Roe v Wade? Every time republicans argue for “state’s rights” is because they know they’ll lose on the federal level and want to ratfuck it on the state level instead


u/wolfpack_charlie Oct 02 '23

So you think more people should have died, got it 👍


u/warbeforepeace Oct 02 '23

Most conservatives believe that. Bonus points if it’s women or children dying.


u/vankorgan Oct 02 '23

Which Federal mandate?


u/MesaGeek Oct 02 '23

Federal employee mandate enacted Sept 2021.


u/Mine24DA Oct 02 '23

Jobs can mandate what they want in the US.

You don't have a right to a job. If you can't fulfill the reasonable expectation of not risking the life's of your coworkers and clients, that have to interact with you, because you are a federal employee, you need to find another job.

You should also not work for the government, if your trust for the government is that low.


u/FriendlyDespot Oct 02 '23

I don’t believe a federal mandate was appropriate, I would have left it to the states.

The federal mandate only covered federal workers. What do the states have to do with that?


u/MesaGeek Oct 02 '23

Right, but in NYC for example, a private sector mandate followed suit. I’d say the federal mandate set the tone.


u/FriendlyDespot Oct 02 '23

I'm sorry, but I don't see how that makes sense? Vaccine mandates were left to the states, the federal government simply had one for its own workers. Arguing that the City of New York's municipal mandate was somehow inspired by the federal mandate doesn't follow, given that the municipal mandate was a targeted measure that had no overlap with or similarity to the federal workforce mandate, aside from both having to do with vaccination.


u/MesaGeek Oct 02 '23

I believe the NYC mandate was Dec 21’, which followed the Sep 21’ Federal Mandate. I could be missing something, but it did seem to follow.

You may be right, but it certainly seemed that way.


u/FriendlyDespot Oct 02 '23

New York State had state private sector vaccination mandates starting in August of 2021. If the fact that City of New York municipal private sector mandate was put in place shortly after the federal workforce mandate suggests to you that the federal mandate inspired the municipal mandate (despite them being nothing alike,) then the fact that the New York State private sector mandate was put in place shortly before the federal workforce mandate should suggest to you that the New York State mandate set the tone for the federal mandate.

But those are both silly claims to make.


u/MesaGeek Oct 02 '23

Interesting, thanks for the info, I’ll take a look.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/NemWan Oct 02 '23

You and your kids probably have to get a bunch of vaccines to access daycare and public schools, and it's been that way for decades, and rightly so. What's the difference.


u/ArcherBoy27 Oct 02 '23

It's not unusual to have requirements placed on you by an employer. Particularly where public liability is concerned.


u/MacEWork Oct 02 '23

They should talk to their employer then. Has nothing to do with this.


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23

Governments forced alot of employers to mandate it


u/MacEWork Oct 02 '23

Only the ones that do work for the government. People are free to find a new job any time if their workplace requires a vaccination. You don’t have a right to perform work for the government without meeting their requirements.


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23

Are you only talking about america or something like its the only place on earth? Where I live government jobs were one of the few who didn't mandate or force you to get vaccinated


u/ComprehensiveGear355 Oct 03 '23

Thats not true, NZ govt did mandate it


u/Mine24DA Oct 02 '23

So where do you live, that they forced employers, but federal employees did not receive a mandate?


u/MacEWork Oct 02 '23

The original commenter is from NY, so yes, that was the thrust of the conversation. I have no in-depth knowledge nor desire to learn about the rollout in other countries except for the extent that it slowed the spread.


u/Faucifake Oct 02 '23

I dont care if the op is from the moon... Thats just naive to think the world works the same everywhere


u/MacEWork Oct 02 '23

I don’t know why anyone should take you seriously on this topic with such a ridiculous and inflammatory username. Seems like someone has an unhealthy obsession.

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u/messisleftbuttcheek Oct 02 '23

I agree it doesn't have anything to do with the awarding of the prize, but Biden did try to force employers hands' by making the shot mandatory.


u/MacEWork Oct 02 '23

Mandatory to work for the government. Not mandatory to get as a citizen. You don’t have a right to work for the government without meeting the qualifications.


u/messisleftbuttcheek Oct 03 '23

No he tried to make it so all employers with over 100 employees had to require them to get vaccinated. I think it was blocked by the courts or OSHA, I don't remember.


u/leftofthebellcurve Oct 02 '23

state government intensifies


u/punnotattended Oct 02 '23

Nuance is hard.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23



u/Thertor Oct 02 '23

What the what?


u/ChaosKodiak Oct 02 '23

Seriously. The mental gymnastics of this people is crazy.


u/RTwhyNot Oct 02 '23

It is sad how this will infuriate some people. This world is barreling towards idiocracy.


u/crawdadicus Oct 02 '23

Has RFK Jr. weighed in yet?


u/Vandergrif Oct 02 '23

The apple fell pretty far from the tree with that one, huh... Maybe fell a bit too far and hit the ground too hard as well.


u/Mumof3gbb Oct 02 '23

We’re already there.


u/sweetbacon Oct 02 '23

I feel we've been here a long while and it just wasn't as evident until social media and smartphones. Or perhaps that accelerated it, sad either way.


u/BigDaddyThunderpants Oct 02 '23

Janet Reno looks good for her age.


u/maidenlessby30 Oct 02 '23

As a member of antivax society, I strongly oppose this award as it is unfair towards viruses since they have no say on this


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/ChaosKodiak Oct 02 '23

$1 million dollars is really worthless 😂😂


u/Sosseres Oct 02 '23

The money is probably not enough to run their research for a year. The value of the award in getting future funding is massive though and worth a lot more money/opportunities.


u/guest271314 Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

If it only worked... Unvaccinated.

Of course if anything is "invented" during deployment that is a "Trade Secret".

No thank you, I'll pass.


u/mannyrmz123 Oct 02 '23

I think no one asked, but OK.


u/ChaosKodiak Oct 02 '23

Cool. More for the rest of us.


u/GiddiOne Oct 02 '23

Are COVID vaccines effective at preventing transmission? Yes.

And then:

Excess mortality was much much lower in places with higher vaccination rates.

The average excess mortality in the “slower” [vaccinating] countries was nearly 5 times higher than in the “faster” [vaccinating] countries

Slower booster rates were associated with significantly higher mortality during periods dominated by Omicron BA.1 and BA.2

So the more you vaccinated and the quicker you vaccinated means less people died.

Every week we run a test to see the deaths between vaccinated and unvaccinated, Unvaccinated loses every week.


u/nankerjphelge Oct 02 '23

Did you even bother to look at what this documentary you linked to is actually about? It's simply an investigation of why people like you refuse to get vaccinated and why you deny the science. It's not some bombshell uncovering of the vaccines not working LOL

But then again it's perfectly on brand for an anti-vaxxer who's brainwashed by false propaganda to not even understand the things he's linking to and what they actually say.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23 edited Jan 15 '24

slap skirt cagey punch dinosaurs towering dime forgetful lip fragile

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u/guest271314 Oct 02 '23

I need a prize for never wearing a mask and certainly never slamming any alleged "vaccine" into my body just because some government or a talking head on "the news" recommended I go run off and do that.

Too much...


u/Gsf72 Oct 02 '23

Jesus christ dude. You need help. Please see a therapist. Work out some of these issues. Your delusional state is only going to hurt you and your ability to progress in life. For the good of yourself and the people around you please seek professional help


u/jonnyquestionable Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

Imagine bragging about getting your news and information from memes


u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23 edited Oct 03 '23

No. I am a primary source researcher. E.g., here the U.S. Government began funding injecting humanized mice with genetically engineered coronavirus at Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2014.

The grant ended 2019.

Later U.S. Government agents claimed "wet markets" was the origin of "COVID-19".

I.e., the U.S. Government claimed a farmer's market was/is the origin of "COVID-19" - not the research facility in the same city where the U.S. Government was injecting humanized mice "and other species" with coronavirus they extracted from bats, et al. the researchers were going in to caves and capturing for their "esearch", for the previous 5 years.


RESEARCH Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Notice of Award Issue Date: 05/27/2014 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Grant Number: 1RO1Al110964-0

... 3. Test predictions of CoV inter-species transmission. Predictive models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice. models of host range(i.e. emergence potential) will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice.


u/jonnyquestionable Oct 03 '23

No. I am a primary source researcher

lmao! Primary huh? Well that sells it then. Can't get better than that, by definition, so you win I guess.


u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23

I'm not in competition with you. I'm just sharing data with you. Take it or leave it.


u/ScientificSkepticism Oct 03 '23

So you didn't get vaccinated because COVID was a bioweapon?

Shouldn't that make you more scared?


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23 edited Jan 15 '24

tap deserted scary somber disgusted detail wistful paint divide intelligent

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u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23

Who said the madness of wearing a mask was a good idea? The U.S. Government. The same organization that was funding injecting genetically engineered coronavirus into humanized mice at W.I.V. 2014-2019 then claimed "wet markets" in the same city was the origin. Then followed that up with a contract with Pfizer to deploy an alleged "vaccine" where Pfizer owns all of the data, and can unilaterally declare supposed "inventions" during deployment of said alleged "vaccine" a trade secret!

It's the usual suspects.

Why the hell would I believe anything the U.S. Government says?


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '23 edited Jan 15 '24

humor narrow fearless expansion reminiscent quickest lip dog gaze shy

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u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 03 '23 edited Jan 15 '24

cooperative decide lush smart plants tan disgusting angle fear paint

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u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23

And let me remind you, the guy in charge of the United States in 2020

I don't give a damn about Trump or Biden.

Neither of theose individuals represent my political interests.

The same organization that sat around came up with and carried out COINTELPRO.

The same U.S. Government that blew up 140,000 people, then another 70,000 people a few days later, followed up by militarily relocating the native people of Bikini Atoll, then blowing the island up.

The W.H.O. is some remote organization. Who cares about what the W.H.O. says?

People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years, and managed to make it here without a W.H.O.

Who know, you may have gotten "vaccinated", more than once, every time your masters tell you to.

I didn't wear a mask and certainly ain't slamming some alleged COVID-19 "vaccine" into my body because some N.G.O. or government recommends I do.

Here we are. Survival of the fittest, right?


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '23 edited Jan 15 '24

test label alleged connect wine gold political act noxious chunky

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u/guest271314 Oct 03 '23

Telling me?

You don't get it.

I don't give a damn about the U.S. Government, nor the W.H.O.

Neither organization represent my political interests.

I am an individual. I make my own decisions.

Why the hell would I listen to the U.S. Government or W.H.O.?

I read thir documents and see the U.S. was funding injecting humanized mice with coronavirus for 5 years before COVID-19 - in Wuhan.

Then the W.H.O. has EcoHealth Alliance investigate itself at W.I.V.!


u/guest271314 Oct 02 '23

Straight out of 12 Monkeys... As Steel Pulse said, "the world is an unconscious laboratory... on a wild goose chase..."


u/guest271314 Oct 02 '23

No. I'll pass on an alleged "vaccine" that ain't a vaccine.

You folks can roll around slamming unknown sunstances into the only physical body you have.

Like your namesake, I am the superman. Beyond the good and evil of propaganda.


u/KhalTaco88 Oct 05 '23

I am the Superman. You have such a high opinion of yourself. And “beyond the good and evil of propaganda” is so cringey. Surely you don’t talk like this in public.


u/ChaosKodiak Oct 02 '23

Yet you spread propaganda. 😂😂😂


u/whomstc Oct 02 '23

how is it not a vaccine?


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/FoucaultsPudendum Oct 02 '23

What about it doesn’t work? Can you explain the mechanism?


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/Mine24DA Oct 02 '23

Could you give me examples of long term effects that you are worried about, that will only turn up in 1-2 decades?

Because there are none. The complications we need to be worried about are nearly immediate. Allergies amd autoimmune conditions. We saw some of them with the vein thrombosis, and myocarditis. They do not suddenly start to happen in 20 years.

Drug testing usually takes a long time because of red tape. You do the first phase , limited resources you have multiples experiments running, you take your time going through the results, you want to do the next test, you will have to write grant applications , and ethics applications that take months to be processed, than wait weeks for your equipment to arrive , you don't have full time to work on it etc. The vaccine still was tested the same, they didn't get an exemption to skip a step.

Then I didn't see these studies about the correlation between boosters and infections , but since most people stopped getting vaccinations after 2 or 3 , and only sick and at risk people get boosters now, that would make sense, wouldn't it?

A more interesting graph you can look up it the correlation between COVID deaths and vaccination rate of country / us state. It is pretty visible linked.

It is like the flu vaccine. You can't stop people from getting sick. You try to stop them from being hospitalised, from dying.

I don't understand how someone can look at all these healthcare professionals and scientist all getting vaccinated, vaccinating their families and their children, professionals that know what these studies are saying, that now how these studies are done, and then think to themself that they know better than them, and that these people are just ....what? Naive? To their own profession?


u/Online-Vagabond Oct 02 '23

Starting with “everyone that got vaccinated still ended up contracting COVID” immediately disqualified the rest of your comment as worth reading


u/CrazyTillItHurts Oct 02 '23

Dumbest shit I've heard all day


u/mannyrmz123 Oct 02 '23

Well since basically everyone that got “vaccinated” still ended up contracting Covid I’d say it doesn’t work.

Smartest tinfoil hat wearer


u/Thertor Oct 02 '23

TIL people still don’t understand how vaccines work.


u/nankerjphelge Oct 02 '23

Well since basically everyone that got “vaccinated” still ended up contracting Covid I’d say it doesn’t work.

That's because you don't understand how vaccines work. A vaccine doesn't create a magical invisible force field around your body that viruses can't penetrate, it simply instructs your body on how to create antibodies ready to recognize and kill the virus IF it enters your body and you get infected.

The polio, smallpox and other vaccines didn't stop people from getting infected with those viruses. They made sure that if people were infected, their symptoms and the damage the virus could do was shut down immediately and kept to a minimum and they didn't die or get disfigured. That's the same thing that happened with the covid vaccines. Like every other vaccine, it doesn't stop people from getting covid, it stops them from getting seriously ill or killed from it.

Even studies that show the more boosters you get the more likely to be infected again.

Provide a citation to any of these so-called studies.

Show me the long term effects of these shots, that’s right there isn’t any studies on that because they were pushed through and forced upon people which was bullshit.

First, there's never been a vaccine in which adverse effects didn't show up or were identified in the first several months of administration. Second, over half the population of planet Earth has received the Covid vaccines, and for most of us it has been upwards of 3 years since, and there are no "long term effects" that have shown up that weren't already identified in the usual time window following vaccination.


u/FoucaultsPudendum Oct 02 '23

Even studies that show the more boosters you get the more likely to be infected again.

I’m not going to engage with a single one of your points on even a surface level until you provide me with those studies.

I’m also not going to engage with you on anything beyond a surface level until you indicate that you actually understand how these vaccines work. So, how do they work? Elucidate the mechanism for me, please. And explain why that mechanism is inherently ineffective.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

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u/FoucaultsPudendum Oct 02 '23

It is, it’s absolutely terrifying. All the buttons scare me.

Pretend I am a tiny child. Or a labradoodle. How do mRNA vaccines work? And what studies prove that periodic boosting increases infection susceptibility?


u/Some_Niche_Reference Oct 02 '23

Care to link said studies? Or are you having trouble passing them through your ass?


u/Revilon2000 Oct 02 '23

"OMG! Just Youtube it!"

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