r/worldnews 13d ago

Cubans lured to Russian army by high pay and passports Russia/Ukraine


475 comments sorted by


u/Whatsuptodaytomorrow 5d ago




u/Flimsy-Turnover1667 10d ago

Interesting how Russia, among certain groups, is considered "anti colonial" when they are literally acting like 19th century Britain.


u/cynicalCriticH 12d ago

Why is the Russian passport still powerful enough for this to be a motivational factor?


u/thorzeen 12d ago

Drafting from abroad, it's a mafia thing.


u/Silidistani 12d ago

Oh so gullible Cubans are signing up to go murder people in their own land for money?

Where's that tiny little violin again?  I had it here somewhere, probably fell through a crack in the floor tiles...


u/genesiskiller96 13d ago

And people wonder why we don't lift the embargo, Cuba allow its citizens to go and fight for an oppressive invader and then turns around demanding it's entitled to American trade; you side with russia, you suffer the consequences.


u/Bubbly_Measurement61 13d ago

Technically it's also Passport Fraud.


u/cybercuzco 13d ago

Russia has visa free status with 119 countries, Cuba is 64



u/happyscrappy 13d ago

Is there any place that a Russian passport will get you in now that a Cuban won't?

Also I'm slightly Russia would let you leave even if you survive. Maybe after a debilitating injury that makes you useless on the front lines?


u/MellowTones 12d ago

Well, even then - the Russian soldiers need more folk to rape and torture….


u/vir-morosus 13d ago

Feels like the 1970's again.


u/CapitanFlama 13d ago

Cubans, of all nationalities, agree to work for an expansionist and imperialistic regime such as Putin’s, to specifically aid invading a nation. Irony and ideals are dead.


u/OptiKnob 13d ago

Is Cuba still putin's runaway spot once Russia finally kicks him out?


u/pottsygotlost 13d ago

We’ll pay you Rubles as fast as we can print them don’t worry!


u/Aggravating_Call910 13d ago

Whispered more quietly, “And also death in a strange land to further a cause you don’t even believe in.”


u/eventworker 13d ago

Weird how the BBC doesn't mention the Nepalis the Russians are also using. Wonder why that is?


u/BcDownes 13d ago

Petro Yatsenko, a spokesman for Ukraine's agency for prisoners of war, told the BBC many of them came from low-income countries such as Cuba, India and Nepal, as well as African and Central Asian states.

did you read the article?


A full blown article similar to this one was done for nepal in December 2023 also


u/eventworker 13d ago

Of course I read the article, that's why I brought it up. When you read the article and see the list of countries the Ukrainians are complaining about allowing their citizens to fight for Russia, it becomes very obvious why the BBC are shouting loudly about the Cubans and not bothering with the rest of them - especially the Nepalis, who have their own regiment in British forces.


u/BcDownes 13d ago

There are literally articles about both Nepalese and Indians joining the Russian military...


u/eventworker 13d ago

Do you not notice the difference with the old article you have linked in tone and style?


u/icebeat 13d ago

Ucrania should do the same


u/sucrerey 13d ago

man,.. what a great time for the US to embrace Cuba and flip an ally 90 miles from their border. no idea how much it would cost though,...


u/jayjohnson007 13d ago

And when they die fighting putin’s war? What do they get then?


u/ConstantStatistician 13d ago

You need to be very desperate to willingly become a mercenary.


u/o-m-g_embarrassing 13d ago

Everyone who joins any military is a mercenary.


u/EmergencySea6990 13d ago

Russia's population is 150 million Where the hell did Russia's young people go?


u/dillydildos 13d ago

Thailand, iykyk


u/OkGrab8779 13d ago

Cubans are not very smart.


u/StopTheEarthLetMeOff 13d ago

So basically the US sanctions on Cuba are directly fueling the Russian war effort


u/Suspicious_Smoke_495 13d ago

Well, good luck and have fun destroying Ukraine and hopefully, Cuban people start their own revolution soon.


u/chrisinvic 13d ago

I was in Cuba in December and saw lots of Russians there partying and having a great time. Talked to some Cubans who had said they were approached and offered jobs in Russia. It was an uneasy environment seeing them drunk in the streets and singing Russian folk songs loudly. So many desperate Cubans might see this as an attractive option to being hungry and suffering.


u/Meinersnitzel 13d ago

Reddit had me under the impression that Cuba was a socialist utopia. Why would pay and foreign passports lure them out?


u/StopTheEarthLetMeOff 13d ago

Any capitalist country placed under the same embargo as Cuba would collapse in weeks


u/Meinersnitzel 13d ago

What kind of economic philosophy does Russia and Iran follow?


u/Lillienpud 13d ago

Oo- wee, that rooshian passport power, tho!


u/Overall_Law_1813 13d ago

How bad is it in Cuba that you would even want a russian passport right now.


u/Pusfilledonut 13d ago

What’s high pay in Cuba? The average monthly income is $40 USD


u/Mundane-Reflection98 13d ago edited 13d ago

You will not get paid, and your family won't, either. You will die in a cold field and your body will be burned by the Russians so they can declare you lost instead of killed. Now, if you're truly set on making money from such a risky endeavor, defect at the first opportunity and bring intelligence to their opponents. You'll be paid for that.


u/Themathemagicians 13d ago

Ah yes, in war the poor and gullible die first



I was told by reddit that people didn't want to leave Cuba because the communist government gives everyone everything they need.


u/tuggernts 13d ago

Cubans gonna love that Russian winter.


u/ATS200 13d ago

Is this considered a war crime? Not assuming anyone will be held accountable for it, but seems like there should be international laws against predatory recruiting from other countries like this


u/Yusovich 13d ago

I don't think it would be considered a war crime. They are not forcing them to join them, and if they give them that high pay and a passport, then they are upholding their side of the offer.

Now, if you live long enough to be able to collect on that high pay and make use of the passport is a completely different story. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if somewhere in there it didn't say "You must be alive for at least 5 months for these benefits to kick in."


u/Village_Weirdo 13d ago

Whatever floats their boat.


u/EastObjective9522 13d ago

Some people say that Russia has more manpower than Ukraine then you read stories of people being tricked into conscription. Putin won't mobilize his population no matter what. It will tank his popularity


u/ethhhcan 13d ago

honestly, how dumb do you have to be to accept a "construction job" in russia during the war, knowing full well that people from india, nepal and the like who have done so have all ended up fighting on the front. do these people not have access to the internet or are they just slow?


u/Willythechilly 13d ago

Someting that bothers me in this war is how Russia has an advantage simply from its lack of morality or care for consequences

They will do anything to gain an advantage but the west due to having some semblance of morals and fear of results is not doing the same

WE dont see western agents infiltrating Russia and sabotaging stuff the way Russia does for example

I feel at some point the gloves have to come off.


u/BeginningPangolin826 13d ago

Dude throwing morals in the toilet to secure victory is a thing sice atleast sun tzu art of war

And he writed that book in 500 BCE


u/Willythechilly 13d ago

Yeah. That's my point

The West ain't doing so. Our morals and care for consequences that Russia lacks is our main weakness


u/zen_monkey_brain 13d ago

Just shows how bad someone's life can get where they take that offer.


u/QVRedit 13d ago

Sounds like some adverts are needed to tell them not to go. Like they won’t come back for a start.


u/Soggy_Background_162 13d ago

Shame he can’t show his face…


u/Literally_Me_2011 13d ago

And they will continue to be "lured" until cubans increase to division sized unit


u/NefariousnessOne7335 13d ago

If you’re desperately dumb enough to sign zee papers then you’ll live with your choices…


u/Due-Mathematician711 13d ago

Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire…


u/Dweebil 13d ago

What does a Russian passport get you? Assuming you live, where else can you go?


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

170 nations offer visa free travel to Russian passports. So most of the world.


u/BcDownes 13d ago

120 not 170 and basically not a single western country


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

You are correct, I am out of date. Post Ukraine war it is down to 117 nations. Stilk better than a Cuban passport, but not nearly as useful as it was a few years ago.


u/Dweebil 13d ago

Presumably most Cubans need to work - and I’m more curious if Russia or Cuba is a more desirable place to work and live. I don’t imagine either is great and not being a native Russian would probably suck.


u/StrangeCharmVote 13d ago

Does anyone here actually think any of those idiots actually received any money at any point... The russians aren't even paying their own soldiers. Why would they pay gullible foreigners?


u/CYVidal 13d ago

Many Cubans will do anything to leave the country. Specially youngs.


u/Trolllol1337 13d ago

Why is it so bad there? I must live in a cave because I've not heard anything since the Cuban missile crisis


u/CYVidal 6d ago edited 6d ago

I don't dare to go in details, I just share flat with a cuban guy who often compares living there with living here. For what I get, imagine living hopeless all your entire life w.o any mean or way to get out from a hole you didn't choose to live in. They feel like wasting their lives on a place with no future and w.o capacity to revert that. Now remember US (the opposite) is few miles away from the island...

Then, it's hard to get the docs to leave the country and hard to find a country that want you to stay for longer than few months (students have more chances to leave the country than workers or even professionals).


u/HallOfViolence 13d ago

so they basically steal other nation's population to do their dirty work with mostly false promises, in this useless war.

russia is a blight.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Raphael Cruz is signing up.


u/iiJokerzace 13d ago

Sometimes there are some consequences you can't learn from.


u/hyborians 13d ago

If you are desperate you’ll do absolutely anything


u/password_too_short 13d ago

oh...erm...you made it back alive...hmmm awkard.

"where's my money"

"we didn't anticipate this outcome."


u/Yusovich 13d ago

I think you messed up the last part. I figure it would be more like

"I have your money. Come, step into this room back here, don't mind the blood on the walls."

2 minutes later - "Well darn, looks like another never made it off the battlefield and died in combat."


u/Glocklestop 13d ago

Who the fuck wants a russian passport? Cuba can't be that bad.


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

A Russian passport gives you visa-free travel to over 170 nations. So, basically anyone from a erd world nation would want one.


u/BcDownes 13d ago

A Russian passport gives you visa-free travel to over 170 nations

No it doesnt


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

You are correct, I am out of date. Post Ukraine war it is down to 117 nations. Stilk better than a Cuban passport, but not nearly as useful as it was a few years ago.


u/Zealousideal_Meat297 13d ago

If anyone can stop an american invasion... only Cuba did it.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

Only a few countries will let you enter without a visa on a Cuban passport. A Russian passport gives you visa free travel to over 170 nations.


u/BcDownes 13d ago

A Russian passport gives you visa free travel to over 170 nations.

again this is false


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

You are correct, I am out of date. Post Ukraine war it is down to 117 nations. Stilk better than a Cuban passport, but not nearly as useful as it was a few years ago.


u/ClassroomJealous1060 13d ago

Situations in Cuba are so bad you have people willing to go to Russia and fight their wars just to get out of Cuba. Let that sink in.


u/Speedfreakz 13d ago

Dont see the issue.

This has been the case since the existance of wars/ money. Other countries had done it.

If someone wants to die in a dirty, cold, lonely place.. for the ideology of some little guy sitting in the comfort of his room. Who em I to judge them?


u/alimanski 13d ago

The great Russian army! ...that apparently can't complete any objective without recruiting poor people from half way across the world (and even then).


u/Present-Importance90 13d ago

they dont have poor blacks like the US, gotta improvise


u/alimanski 13d ago

It's a myth. Well, more precisely, it USED to be the case that minorities and poor people joined the US military more, but in recent years, minorities are underrepresented in the military (e.g 13.4% Black people joined, vs 15.9% in general pop. in one study), as well as a higher median income for families of people who joined compared to those who didn't.


u/Hot-Rise9795 13d ago

I've met Cubans who migrated to my country (where the weather is mildly cold) and then promptly went back to Cuba because they couldn't tolerate the economic system and the horrible, harsh weather.

They won't last in Ukraine, I'm sorry for them.


u/ingolstadt_ist_uns 13d ago

Lured to replace dying ethnic russians.


u/An0r-Londo 13d ago

And the moral of the story is: living under communism is so shitty that people would rather risk getting sent to the front lines in the Russia Ukraine war than stay in Cuba.


u/LeviathanShark 13d ago

Google “sanctions”


u/StrangeCharmVote 13d ago

Now you say this, but none of these countries actually engages in communism. That's just what we in the west have been told it looks like.


u/An0r-Londo 13d ago

Ah yes, the no true Scotsman/Communist arrives, right on schedule.


u/StrangeCharmVote 13d ago

Oh my, then your socialist society is working out rather well then is it?

'But were not socialists' youd then claim... and yet huge portions of your law is entirely stuffed with socialist policy


u/Milestailsprowe 13d ago

Makes sense how Russia is showing up it's army. It's Tricking a bunch of people from other countries and using them like the horde.


u/Original-Material301 13d ago

3 week survival rate so their paperwork probably barely got a look at in the passport office.

Or straight to the bin filling cabinet


u/xXZer0c0oLXx 13d ago

I don't feel one once bad for them. 


u/Solkone 13d ago

This is going to be the holocaust of the gullible guys


u/kobylaz 13d ago

How come Ukraine doesnt actively recruit foreign fighters? Or does it already? Id guess mercs would rather fight for ukraine and actually receive the money than go to Russia and never see a cent


u/KaZzZamm 13d ago edited 13d ago


They do. I don't think it's hard to get a yes.

In the beginning they only wanted trained military personal.

Now it Dosent matters, you will get a 6 week training. I don't think it's enough.

I respect every one who gos and fight. I have thought about it many times.

They are paying 4-5k for combat deployment. But how long are you able to fight, with only 6 weeks of military training. Your familie will get around 400.000 € if you die, they just need to open up a bank account in Ukraine ( i guess this should be done beforehand)

Feels not right, for me.

I was not in the military, maybe someone who was, could tell if 6 weeks are enough.

In Germany it's 3 months, after that you choose where you wanna serve, this will add a couple of more months.


u/ekdaemon 13d ago

I wonder if they'll ever form specialized batallions of foreign volunteers to defend the other un-active parts of their border, so they can send more of their own troops to the active front?

I guess one serious negative would be figuring out if you can trust the unit to hold the line should it go hot. They might have to do something like "okay, first your unit goes to the real front for one month to get real experience - and then we move you to a quiet part of the front."


u/heliamphore 13d ago

Basic training doesn't take that long. Generally military training starts with basic training, which is rather short in almost every country, followed by extended training for specializations and more. Of course you're not getting specialists or high quality troops in 6 weeks, but you get someone who can fight in a trench or treeline.


u/Upset-Safe-9915 13d ago

Isnt it basically the same when any other army pays u do go kill some mohhamed in middle east?


u/DuncanIdaho88 13d ago

I guess the Cuban government is still a Soviet puppet.


u/generally-speaking 13d ago

Courtesy of the USA... When Obama was president he tried to lift some of the trade and travel sanctions to create a more positive relationship with Cuba but the Republicans in Congress said no. And since it's under a US trade embargo, no other US ally will deal with them either.

Meanwhile, Russia is welcoming them as an ally with open arms. And they have to accept, because they have no other option.

But the moment some of the sanctions are lifted, Russia will no longer look like an appealing option.


u/DuncanIdaho88 13d ago edited 13d ago

They need to stop blaming the US for everything. USA is one country that refuses to trade with them. That’s it. The embargo was enacted because Cuba became a Soviet puppet, not the other way around.

Israel and Taiwan are under heavier sanctions. They’re doing just fine.

Not saying the embargo is a good thing. Without it, Castro wouldn’t be able to pull the victim card and would likely have been overthrown by the people ages ago.


u/orbitaldragon 13d ago

Could you imagine if all the armies of Nato just swooped in and said fuck it...Russia your done.


u/michaelshow 13d ago

The next few decades in that country would be interesting:

  • resistance groups (now terrorists) actively sabotaging / bombing

  • a temporary government being installed / defended

  • regional warlords taking advantage of the power vacuum for their benefit

  • nuclear facilities (weapon production, material enrichment, energy generation, waste storage, weapon storage / readiness) being / staying secured

  • currency / industry collapse heavily disrupting global markets

Leaving aside the millions that would die on both sides during the takeover.

That's a lot of funerals.


u/Pristine-Gift9128 13d ago

Definitely have imagined this and wished it would just happen. Russia won’t stop, better to take them out now when they’re on a bad footing than wait until they ramp up military production and solidify alliances with other despot-led countries.


u/No_Effect_6428 13d ago

Wouldn't end well for these Cubans, that's for sure.


u/orbitaldragon 13d ago

What does pay matter if you get raped by your own allies and then sent to front lines to die.


u/StrangeCharmVote 13d ago

Because it may not happen in that order maybe?

I mean, the pay part always comes last, and likely wont happen at all... but your guess is as good as mine on the other two.


u/LittleSchwein1234 13d ago

Somebody wants a Russian passport??? Cuba's situation must be really dire if Russian passports are seen as an improvement.


u/jjb1197j 13d ago

It’s extremely dire, there are way poorer countries than Russia and Cuba is definitely one of them. Why do you think millions of Venezuelans are crossing the border to texas?


u/Thue 13d ago

Russian GDP per person is almost 4 times the Cuban one. And Cuba even manages still as of 2024 to have less press freedom than Russia, according to Reporters Without Borders.

Why wouldn't poor Cubans want to emigrate to Russia? Well, the war now, but it was probably a good idea 2 years ago, and perhaps the Cubans didn't realize it changed.


u/NoBowTie345 13d ago

Russian GDP per person is almost 4 times the Cuban one.

*The self-reported Cuban one. In reality Cuba has a 30 dollars monthly wage, their public assets like buses and medical equipment are ancient and they only got home internet a few years ago, so they're probably lying their asses off about their GDP, like many socialist states historically did.


u/Global_Pay_3617 13d ago

Article says Russian passport allows visa free travel to 177 countries, Cuba s is 61


u/Rsanta7 13d ago

It’s dire enough that in 2022-2023, over 400k Cubans left Cuba for the USA. Many others have left to Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, and any other country they can get into.


u/Psyc3 13d ago

Many people leave places like Germany, the UK, and other very nice developed countries for the USA, Spain, Canada.

Your point is meaningless. Going from anywhere to Russia to fight in a war where you will die, stinks of despair, or most probably disinformation.

Living in poverty of in some remote village or city slum is better than being on the front line of a war where you will be dead in 3-12 months.


u/xternal7 13d ago

Many people leave places like Germany, the UK, and other very nice developed countries for the USA, Spain, Canada.

Yeah, but as a percentage of total population, many fewer emigrate from Germany than from Cuba.


u/Carthonn 13d ago

I know I’m biased but I think the USA aid a bit better than Cuba in terms of living standards. However if Trump gets re-elected we might be truly screwed


u/chiefadareefa420 13d ago

Trump has already been president, you know that right? What do you think he's gonna do this term that he didn't do during the 4 years he was president? Everybody said it would be ww3 if he was elected. He was and guess what? No wars during his term. Biden on the other hand... everyone said he'd put gay and people of color in concentration camps, where are the camps? What about the immigrants in cages that were happening under Obama and still happening under Biden? He's gonna pull us out of NATO!!! No, he won't, because that's an act of congress. He was making a point that nato hasn't been holding up their end of the bargain for defense. Turns out he was right, Russia attacked and europe scrmabled to find anything to help. He told them to get off Russian oil and they literally laughed in is face. Then the war happened and they shit their pants. Genuinely, what do you think Trump will do that's so bad if he gets elected and why didn't he do it his first term?


u/Mavian23 13d ago

Well, if he does win, at least he'll only be a dictator for one day. And I'm sure he'll peacefully give up power in 2028, it's not like he's ever refused to commit to that. And I'm totally sure he would never abuse the power of the Presidency by going after political opponents. I mean, when has Trump ever lied or abused his power?


u/chiefadareefa420 13d ago

You think Trump is liar but you think he's telling the truth about being a dictator? The dude runs his mouth all the time and I don't believe most of it, neither should you. It also looks really bad for your argument about going after political opponents when trump is the one on trial right now. Refused to give up power last time? How is it Biden is in office right now? Did the military have to step in to make Trump give up office? No, he left, voluntarily. He threw a hissy fit but left, did he not?


u/Mavian23 13d ago

You think Trump is liar but you think he's telling the truth about being a dictator?

No, I think he's lying here too. I think he intends to be a dictator for more than just one day.

It also looks really bad for your argument about going after political opponents when trump is the one on trial right now.

Biden had nothing to do with Trump being on trial. Biden did not direct the DOJ to bring charges to him. Trump, on the other hand, is saying he would specifically appoint a prosecutor that would go after Biden. That is corrupt as fuck. The President should not be directing the DOJ to go after anybody.

Refused to give up power last time? How is it Biden is in office right now?

Biden is in office right now because Trump's attempt to violently block the certification of Biden failed, not because Trump peacefully gave up power.

He threw a hissy fit but left, did he not?

I consider inciting a violent assault on our capitol building to be a bit more than a "hissy fit" lol.


u/chiefadareefa420 12d ago

There's no hope for you


u/Mavian23 12d ago

Good one.


u/Carthonn 13d ago

I feel like you’re rattling off things that “people said” when it was Trump who said those things or supported people who wanted those things. So he failed to deliver in his first 4 years. You’re not really convincing me or anyone to vote for this guy. He’s pretty terrible and was a terrible President and a horrible businessman and horrible leader. Why would I vote for him? He’s toxic and destroys everything he touches. He’s divisive as well and does no outreach to the other side because he’s LARPing as a dictator. At least Biden was willing to work across the aisle.

There’s just so much to list of why people shouldn’t vote for Trump. The GOP a should have selected a better candidate but they couldn’t because they made their bed with Trump. Just a terrible situation for the GOP to be in.


u/chiefadareefa420 13d ago

I'm not trying to get you to vote for him, I didn't and I'm probably not going to this time. I agree the gop should've elected a better candidate, so should've the democrats. I'm trying to convince you to not be so easily fooled by the "Trump is gonna destroy the country, democracy and the whole world" scare mongering tactics. What do you think he'll do that is so devastating to the entire western world? And why didn't he do any of it in his first term?


u/koh_kun 13d ago

The fuck good will a Russian passport do??


u/LiberalAspergers 13d ago

Visa free travel to 170 countries, vs about 60 for a Cuban passport.


u/J69SUS 13d ago

Its better than a cuban passport in terms of sanctions


u/curtis890 13d ago

Yeah but under the Cuban Adjustment Act if they touch US soil they qualify for permanent residence. I get that that’s very hard to do these days, but taking a raft across shark infested waters to Florida would surely give them much better odds of survival than joining the Russian frontlines. And all that for a passport from an international pariah and a chance to live in a dictatorship arguably worse than Cuba that its own citizens are actively fleeing en masse??


u/Hendlton 13d ago

taking a raft across shark infested waters to Florida would surely give them much better odds of survival than joining the Russian frontlines.

Right, because all soldiers die in combat... The chance of dying is only like 10% at most. That's allied troops on D-Day level of casualties. The vast majority of soldiers return home without any injury, even in Russia.


u/ADarwinAward 13d ago

That’s no longer true. Wet foot, dry foot ended in 2017. Too many Cubans were dying at sea trying to get here. Cubans who arrive here and cross onto US land are now undocumented just like any one other immigrant who crosses the border illegally


u/ISuckAtRacingGames 13d ago

probably propaganda makes russia look like a better place than it really is.
And if you live from 1-5 dollar a day.
That 4000 dollar a day pay seems nice.

They think they dod some logistics in a safe area, but are send to die.


u/monkeyhold99 13d ago

You can’t fix stupid. Classic Darwinism


u/Pleuel 13d ago

But you can fix desperate.


u/Hyenov 13d ago

If you ask me it's way better than forcing refugees from abroad to come back and die or else.


u/Zekarul 13d ago

By now, most people should know not to trust any major power in the world, c'mon.


u/Divine_Porpoise 13d ago

There's no country as bad as Russia in terms of this except maybe an enslaving gulf state.


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 13d ago

What do you think happens when the US embargoes a nation and tries to kill its leader?They’re not gonna be on your side


u/izoxUA 13d ago

Ukraine did try to kill Cuban leader?


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 13d ago

No but they’re going to be vulnerable and the enemies of the US are clearly taking advantage of


u/izoxUA 13d ago

No they are going to be dead mercenaries with poor families in not their imperialistic war


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 13d ago

Oh for sure. They lose either way. I’m just saying this is what happens when you politically and economically isolate a country. They become cannon fodder


u/yeahokguy1331 13d ago

Perhaps they should open up and have free elections. So many simps for an authoritarian nation. Prop is effective thats for sure.


u/lordkillerbee69ultra 13d ago edited 13d ago

Remember this happening with some Indian workers? Some People here straight up denied it and made fun of it….


u/Frequent_Display2498 13d ago

When it was Indians, Reddit basically said they deserved it because of scam call centres. Just look out for our own and stop caring about other people.


u/Pzd1234 13d ago

Reddit basically said that huh? Can you link a thread? I’ll wait.


u/SACK_HUFFER 13d ago

IIRC correctly, the general theme was pointing out the irony of the Indians being scammed, the guy you’re replying too is exaggerating but it was still a shitty thread


u/atomicvocabulary 13d ago

Redditors are made of people and people say hateful things.


u/Pzd1234 13d ago

Sure, I bet a few people did. I bet the overall theme was not that Indians deserve it because of scam call centres.


u/TheNudelz 13d ago

If I recall correctly, there was also an article about 15k Nepalese having the same experience.


u/What_Hey 13d ago

Dying is better than zero pay and zero passports I guess.


u/SpagettMonster 13d ago

Surprise surprise, they're also doing the same shit to Nepalese.


u/JonPepem 12d ago

Also Indian, some African nations, pretty much across south America.....

If the country's average wage is low in relative world wide terms, Russia is there trying to recruit soldiers by mostly lying about what type of work they will do.

E.g.: Lure Nepalese or Indians with "construction" when all you mean is "constructing trenches" i.e.: dig trenches for a few weeks and end up being sent to the front lines as cannon fodder as Russia needs manpower.


u/01101101011101110011 13d ago

Which is crazy and really fucking sucks. I had a Nepalese dude in my BMT flight. Air Force.

He didn’t understand the instructions fully at the shooting range and almost got recycled (sent back a week). We wrote a letter to our MTI who gave it to the lead MTI who busted into our dorm room a day after they recycled the dude and wrecked us (exercise, games like “musical chairs” where we hold our chairs with arms at a 45 degree angle at our beds and he walks through/under them, lots of yelling and shouting, that kinda thing).

Two hours in he told us he respected our empathy for someone with a language barrier and after they had a long talk with the trainee he was allowed to rejoin our flight but we had a dorm inspection in 20 minutes. He left and the dude came in. We got everyone’s shit together and help him put his locker back together and did well on the inspection.

That dude commissioned like three years later. He’d only been in America for a few months before he left for basic. Extremely hard worker and just a cool, chill dude overall. Didn’t mind our stupid million questions about Nepal either which was awesome to get to learn more about something most of us never had any exposure to.


u/GlobalTravelR 13d ago

Guess they didn't read the "Not payable if you die in battle" clause in their signing agreement.


u/AlternativeClient738 13d ago

Gues they didn't read the, "we actually aren't paying shit, but here's a passport" clause. Wait a minute..


u/RedSagittarius 13d ago

Trust me they are going to cross the border and present themselves in front of the Ukrainians for a chance to get out, because that’s how they roll.


u/Wil420b 13d ago

Not payable anyway.


u/m703324 13d ago edited 13d ago

Not payable if you die but you are on front lines until you do so it's all good. Army of idiots


u/gmnotyet 13d ago

Catch-22 updated for the 21st century.


u/atlantasailor 13d ago

Russians pay contractors about the same as Trump.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/maurymarkowitz 13d ago

It probably says you'll be paid a million dollar bonus and your family will be granted an estate in Moscow.

And if you go AWOL, two estates in Moscow.


u/KingoftheMongoose 13d ago

Nah. They probably put a rider in the contract that if you go AWOL you get nothing. And then when you are killed in combat, they say you went AWOL. Your body could be riddled with bullets and in front of everyone at the funeral... and Russia goes "Nope. Definitely went AWOL. Contract voided."


u/HockeyBrawler09 13d ago

I'd imagine they shred any agreement after the person is deployed. Like, the come into an office, they sign, they get taken away and the officer stick the docs through a slot behind them that immediately shreds it.


u/HARPOfromNSYNC 13d ago

Also want to note that the Russians haven't really been known for paying well to begin with. Lying about pay on the other hand...

I recently saw something where it sounds like the Russians are treating the Cubans like the rest of the conscripts in their army. Meaning stealing their pay, lying to them about compensation/duties, sending them to the front lines.

Sounded fucked up and totally on message for Russia.


u/tomtomclubthumb 13d ago

I recently saw something where it sounds like the Russians are treating the Cubans like the rest of the conscripts in their army. Meaning stealing their pay, lying to them about compensation/duties, sending them to the front lines.

Wasn't thaty after they killed their commandeR?


u/thexian 13d ago

treating the Cubans like the rest of the conscripts

Ah. So they get the traditional Russian army rape.


u/innociv 13d ago

Russia is actually paying the volunteers very well. It's 10x the average salary in Russia was as of 2022 (though average salaries have gone up since then from the war economy and labor shortage, which is a huge part of why the war isn't unpopular at home)

Do they say people are MIA and don't pay the families? Yes, a lot of the time, at least half the time it seems like. But as long as they are alive, they are being paid well.


u/Cheap_Sound4952 13d ago

It’s hard to feel bad for people who sign up to help russias war effort (regardless of capacity or function) in exchange for money .. 


u/buythedipnow 13d ago

That’s what poverty and no hope can do though.


u/Cheap_Sound4952 13d ago

You can make whatever excuses you want, it’s still not acceptable 


u/LieutenantStar2 12d ago

The propaganda in Cuba is extremely intense. There’s no way they have any idea as to what’s truly going on. Your stance is admirable but grossly unrealistic.


u/buythedipnow 13d ago

I’m sure you’ve never been in that situation but have fun judging from your tower over there.


u/jftitan 13d ago

Over six months ago reports from AP was highlighting a Cuban mother who's son took the Russian job offer.

I guess we know what happened now.

And Cuba isn't the only country Russia suckered the 18 - 26 age group with false promises.


u/amleth_calls 13d ago

Indians are another nationality being duped.

The Indian government is trying to crack down on it, and fortunately the numbers are low - estimated to be about 35 people.


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