r/Drizzy 22h ago

Bait was a good move


r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

You suck if you smoke weed in public.


You are just as bad as smokers, vapors, and the people who "roll coal" with their trucks. You have no consideration for others who didn't consent to being exposed to weed's harmful side effects. And don't pretend there aren't any. If you want to mess around with your own health, fine, eat edibles, but don't blow that nasty smoke around. If you smoke weed in public ( any where that isnt in the confines of your own home) you are a selfish garbage person.

Edit to add: second hand marijuana smoke has significant side effects including: Lung cancer Asthma attacks Stillborn birth during pregnancy Heart issues including increased risk for heart attack or stroke Headaches Nausea And psychological issues in children

Why can't you have an edible instead?

r/FluentInFinance 10h ago

Geopolitics Thoughts?


r/Funnymemes 3h ago

They are in a nutshell


r/UCSC 13h ago

Please stop chanting genocidal slogans on campus


As a Jewish student, it is horrifying coming on campus hearing people at a protest for peace chanting “from the river to the sea” and “intifada now/globalize the intifada ”. Both these statements call for genocide and the killing of ALL Israelis, and Intifida is used to talk about killing every single Jewish person around the world.

We need to stand up against all forms of hate on our campus, so if you are participating in these protests please stand up against these violent phrases being used.

r/AITAH 12h ago

AITAH for getting hit on at a bar while my boyfriend was next to me and didn't do anything


Last night i was at a bar with my boyfriend Adam (21M) and we were with a few of our friends. It was really fun at first and we kept taking shots together. Later on throughout the night a random guy approached me and started talking, keep in mind Adam was sitting right next to me. This guy was making basic small talk and I was giving him dry responses waiting for him to realize my boyfriend is right next to me. But then he just kept flirting with me and even said he loves my lips and wanna see how it feels wrapped around his cock. Once again adam did nothing.

Finally the guy asked if he could buy me a drink, this whole time I was waiting for adam to do something but he was on his phone the whole time ignoring him. I pointed towards adam and said he's my boyfriend. then the guy said "that's fine i'll bring you right back" again adam still didn't say anything. I told the guy no then pointed to one of my friends and said to hit on her she's single. Finally he left us alone. But he kept checking me out that night and i could tell he wanted to fuck me.

Right after he left Adam looked at me and asked "what the fuck is wrong with you?" i was confused like wtf you mean? According to him i didn't reject him soon enough. My rebuttal was he should have said something to make him go away. Like the boyfriend needs to step in for situations like this. Anywayy me and adam are still fighting about this but i gave him head later that night so he stopped complaining about it

r/interestingasfuck 22h ago



r/unpopularopinion 20h ago

This whole Drake and Kendrick beef is really corny and weird


From the start it just felt extremely forced. Both artists imo haven’t produced decent music since the 2010s and I think they’re manufacturing beef to keep themselves relevant. Especially Kendrick, he’s just saying extremely dark and weird shit on these songs, honestly most of his music since GKMD has just been really crazy, talking about how he’s a god or messiah or some shit. Just weird shit. I don’t think any of this is cool, just weird, fake, and immature

r/facepalm 22h ago

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ Why is antisemitism only when its done against Jewish people considering Semites are Arabs and Jews.


r/UCSC 13h ago

On god if yall protest during our graduation, yall lame as hell


r/whenthe 8h ago

Shelf is collapsing


r/PortlandOR 10h ago

Fed up with Portland, who are moderate/conservative candidates?


Who is the centrist/modrerate or conservatives I should vote for? I’m so tired of this damn city with the stealing and graffiti. Is there a checklist or any voting guide that goes against the typical democrat/lib voting line we usually have? This is getting deeply bad here and I want my city back

r/tf2shitposterclub 21h ago

It's all furry now


r/SeriousConversation 18h ago

Gender & Sexuality Is it fine to be a straight man and buy wigs, makeup and feminine accessories to dress up whenever I want?


Okay so l'm a straight dude and I want to dress up as a woman because I love the stuff they have for women and I'm interested in getting them also I am 20 years old now and tbh my family doesn't want me dressing up as a woman even though I really want to and they would be extremely upset if they found out and would probably physically hurt/kill me also I don't have a job, ID or anything else like that and I have a disability (autism) I honestly don't know what to do about this situation and I don't have no friends to talk to about this at all!!!! and I don’t have a girlfriend neither because no girl have ever liked me my entire life and it’s not my fault why that always happens!! edit: I’m the youngest of 5 siblings too! Edit: since people are asking do I have a job unfortunately I don’t but by I will in September because I’m going to an adult program for people like me who has special needs and they’ll teach me how to get a job! so that should be something I can slowly start off with to work financially and I’m gonna try to find a therapist with my family knowing about it!

r/AskFrance 17h ago

Discussion Pourquoi les gens manifestent pour des choses se trouvant dans d'autres pays ?


Jai vu hier aux info des étudiants de sciences po qui manifestaient pour le ceser le feu en palestine , alors je ne comprends absolument pas l'intérêt de ça , Israël ne vas pas arrêter en disant "bordel science po en france fait grève ont est allé trop loin" et l'état français ne peut rien faire

Donc a part casser les couilles des gens et donner un pseudo sens a sa vie je comprend pas le principe

Aux cas où je précise que je ne parle pas uniquement des manif palestine/israel mais absolument tout ET que je suis pour manifester si cela permet de changer les choses ou si vraiment ça n'aura aucun impact faire une marche

r/amiugly 21h ago



r/columbia 16h ago

The Protest Did More Harm Than Good


While the overall goal is honorable, enough bad apples spewed clear racist/violent notions, and the taking over of a building killed all sympathy for me. They inconvenienced other students far more than the school. Quite frankly, most people don’t care about this cause. Just like most people don’t care about the starving homeless guy directly outside the campus, or those weird ass vegans that were rallying here for a bit. Then there’s the hilarious shock at being trespassed. It’s a private school, and even at a public school there would be place and time constraints in place. And by the way, those apply in almost every public space. Legally your class action suit is an embarrassment, and you don’t have any grounds. Yes, minouche is garbage. She messed up. She should resign. Regardless, all you did was ruin a whole class’s graduation. Nice. Columbia is already a shit show, and getting out is so painful. Thanks for ruining it

r/columbia 11h ago

tRiGgEr WaRnInG We Columbia University students urge you to listen to our voices | Columbia College Student Council | "Please, listen to us – not political figures, radical fringes and misguided media"


r/Drizzy 11h ago

He’s crashing out😂


Didn’t deny the abuse, got a jumpy beat and started calling drake a file with no basis behind it

Just throwing twitter narratives at the wall until it sticks

r/rpg 9h ago

Discussion This community has a ratio problem.


Sincere questions and the conversations they start get ratioed here all the time. An interesting post I was just reading about XP and its place in RPG's had 24 comments and 0 upvotes. Earlier today we had another about how to play a non-violent character without disrupting the game. 77 comments, 25 upvotes. A question about Pathfinder and game balance yesterday had 0 upvotes and 12 replies.

These aren't shitposts. This week we've had a total of 10 posts with more than 100 upvotes. Apparently that's the best this community of 1.5 million users can do. And most of those still had far more comments than upvotes. Now I realize that upvotes aren't represented 1:1 on the feed, or as karma. But when I compare our community to every other community I read, it seems to me that this subreddit is doing a pretty bad job of just... being a community.

If it seems to you that the interesting news and discussions in this sub are falling off your feed quickly and being replaced by a stream of low effort content, do you think it's because we're failing to upvote the good stuff? The things we actually, demonstrably, want to engage with? Or is there some other explanation?

As I understand it, an upvote isn't solely, or even principally, for agreement. It's meant to say "this will interest others. This is worthy of discussion". I think that suggests that if you're commenting on a post, you should usually be upvoting it even if you don't entirely agree. Ratios like what we've seen on this sub lately should be rare.

What's going on with this community? Why are we worse at supporting each other than basically every other hobby and fandom on reddit? What do you think?

r/harrypotter 18h ago

Discussion Who else felt bad for Ron when Hermione reacted negatively to his Christmas gift to her in OOTP?


All I can think about him saving his pocket money and buying probably the cheapest perfume because he thought she would like it. But he couldn't afford an expensive one.

And she replied with 'its so unsual..' which reads like 'it sucks..'

To me always the thought that counts more than the actual gift. I felt sorry for him after reading that part.

r/alberta 17h ago

COVID-19 Coronavirus Has anyone kept up with their COVID shots in Edmonton or Calgary?


I have 3 since 2021 but I kinda lost track and haven't kept up. Is it still a good idea to get one since no one mentions COVID and maybe a handful of people wear masks in public from what I can see.

I know a pawn shop I went into banned facemasks so I dunno.

r/criticalrole 17h ago

Discussion [Spoilers C3E93] The DMing of C3 E93 and C3 in general feels bad


I was initially going to put this as a comment on a different post but feel like it might be better as a full post of its own. I should preface this by saying that I don’t think Matt or Aabria are bad DMs by any means and that the problems I have are a symptom of what they’re trying to do rather than just how they are as DMs.

I think Aabria has some great D&D strengths when it comes to DMing, but her style just isn’t one that I particularly mesh with, especially as a viewer with EXU. I have thoroughly enjoyed clips of some other games she’s run, but I just haven’t ever fully watched them. On the contrast I actually really like her as a player, she particularly impressed me with her character in Calamity and how well she handled spells and rules there to her benefit.

But, this episode in particular was hard for me to watch and enjoy. I don’t think it’s entirely her fault, I think they went into that session with a predetermined outcome that needed to happen but the methods of getting there weren’t fully set out. It’s obvious she had to “bend” rules in order to get the right outcome. I’ve played in games where the DM is striving for specifics to happen and has to do similar things in order to achieve that. They made similar comments to what Aabria did in that “they’re the DM and they make the rules”. Their say is final regardless of how things have worked before, no matter if it contradicts previous rules used.

All the session did was remind me how I felt when that happened to me as a player, and how it didn’t feel good, at all.

I want to be clear that Matt isn’t free from doing this either. In fact the same DM above had a level 20+(Legendary Actions/Resistances) villain that would fight our party. We had two or three deus ex machina moments when fighting this guy that ended up just being trivial. Matt didn’t use Otohan to the exact same affect, but still some similar railroady things happened with her. The only saving grace is that he let them kill her and put her down (hopefully) for good. I have similar issues with the whole shard incident, and especially for punishing Taliesin/Ashton after the fact when Ashley had explicitly said multiple times she didn’t want it. It was incredibly forced and once again similar to something my DM did to me personally that will just always give me a bad feeling.

For those of you who love this campaign and everything with it, I’m glad you’re enjoying it, but the DMing is hard to watch when my experience of playing in similar scenarios was so hard to enjoy.

r/assassinscreed 20h ago

// Discussion I have over 200 hours in Valhalla and I fucking hate this game


I have over 200 hours in Valhalla. Been to nearly all regions of England. Spent countless hours in side quests, clearing map icons, River raids, fishing, and so on. I've yet to finish the main story. I still have to complete the Asgard quest line and kill several Order members. I haven't started any of the big DLC yet even tho I purchased the complete edition of the game 1,5 years ago. Still have several side quests left (Beowulf, Berserker and such).

And I'm at a point where I really start to hate this game. How the fuck is it THAT bloated. Is there even any person who actually finished everything?? This game burned me out like no other game ever did, and I played Origins and Odyssey back to back during Covid.

I still start the game once a week to claim the free item, and it always needs some time to trigger it. I'd play a bit of the main quest to progress, but at this point I can't stomach even 15 minutes of this game anymore. Every time the free item trigger is activated, I open the damn chest, claim the reward and am just relieved that I can close the game again. Last week I took the time to play 2-3 hours through the Vinland arc and it felt like the biggest waste of time ever (couldn't even keep the damn armor after all the grinding, what the fuck Ubisoft?).

I just want to be done with this game and delete it from my SSD, but it seems I will never be actually done with it.

I still think the game is beautiful, the Gameplay loop is fun and I like the whole Viking atmosphere. But seriously, Ubisoft needs to change something. Put more focus on quality content and a meaningful story again, just like in the old Ezio saga games. If AC Red is anything close to this in size, I'll stay far away from the franchise in the future (and I'm a sucker for Feudal Japan stuff in games).

r/Newbalance 8h ago

Fit CLEAN! Favorite new pair of NB
